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Regulations for the Conduct of University Examinations: Part 12 Candidates with Special Examination Needs

[Applicable until the start of Trinity term 2021. For the provisions from the start of Trinity term 2021, see the Regulations for the Conduct of University Examinations: Part 12 Candidates requiring adjustments to their examination arrangements] 

Application of Part 12

  • 12.1.

    • (1) This Part is concerned with candidates for University Examinations who have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

    • (2) This Part shall apply to them if the impairment which they have significantly affects their ability to undertake any examination at or within the time allotted to it, or at the place where it is to be held, or in the manner in which it is normally undertaken by candidates.

    • (3) This Part in any case applies to every candidate who has a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, or attention deficit disorder.

    • (4) Candidates to whom this Part applies are called ‘candidates with special examination needs’ and those falling within paragraph (3) of this regulation are called ‘candidates with specific learning difficulties’.

General Rules

  • 12.2. A candidate in any University Examination with special examination needs may apply to the Proctors through the Senior Tutor of their college for alternative examination arrangements relating to their condition. They may also notify the Registrar through the Senior Tutor of their college for the condition to be taken into account by the examiners as a mitigating circumstance that may affect their performance in examinations.

  • 12.3.

    • (1) An application under regulation 12.2 above shall be made as soon as possible after matriculation and in any event not later than the date of entry of the candidate's name for the first examination for which alternative arrangements are sought.

    • (2) The application must be supported by a statement from an educational psychologist or other suitably qualified medical practitioner (called in these regulations ‘the consultant’) approved by the Proctors.

    • (3) The consultant's statement must be based on an assessment of the candidate carried out by that person and on such further assessment of the candidate as the consultant considers necessary in order to form a judgement.

    • (4) The Proctors shall issue guidance periodically on the qualifications of consultants and the nature of the assessments that will be considered appropriate.

  • 12.4.

    • (1) Where an application is made in respect of a candidate who is confirmed under regulation 12.3 above to have special examination needs, the Proctors shall ensure that arrangements are made for the examination of that candidate which are appropriate for them and fair in all the circumstances.

    • (2) These arrangements may include but are not limited to the provision of a room for the examination of the candidate, permission under Part 10 of these regulations for the dictation of papers and the use of a word-processor or other materials and equipment, the provision of an amanuensis, and the granting of extra time for the examination.

    • (3) The Proctors shall have regard to any recommendation made by the consultant in deciding what arrangements they should make.

  • 12.5. Candidates who are confirmed under regulation 12.3 above to have a specific learning difficulty shall, where appropriate, be given extra time by the Proctors. Additional examination adjustments may be permitted on the recommendation of the consultant.

  • 12.6. In the case of a candidate with a specific learning difficulty the Proctors shall also ensure that the appropriate statements explaining the effects of a specific learning difficulty are supplied to the chair of the examiners of the relevant University Examination and the Registrar shall ensure that they are placed on the candidate's examination scripts and any other work submitted for assessment, in order to assist the examiners in adjudicating the merits of the candidate's work.

Visually-impaired candidates

  • 12.7.

    • (1) This additional regulation applies to candidates who are visually-impaired.

    • (2) Where any college has a visually-impaired candidate for any University Examination, the Senior Tutor shall, not less than three months before the date of the Examination, inform the Proctors who will make the necessary arrangements (including provision for papers in Braille if appropriate) in consultation with the Chair of Examiners and the Registrar.

    • (3) When papers in Braille or another format are required, the chair concerned shall submit a copy of the necessary manuscripts to the Registrar at least eight weeks before the date of the beginning of the University Examination.

Codes of practice

  • 12.8. In exercising their powers under this Part the Proctors and chairs of examiners shall take full account of any relevant code of practice or other guidance adopted by the University in relation to persons who have a disability.


  • 12.9. The invigilation of candidates with special examination needs for whom an examination room is provided shall be carried out in accordance with regulation 15.5 below.

Continuity of arrangements

  • 12.10. Alternative arrangements approved by the Proctors under this Part shall normally apply to all University Examinations taken by the candidate during their course of study.

  • 12.11.

    • (1) It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to apply for any subsequent change to these arrangements which they may wish, and to inform the Proctors of any material change in their circumstances which might affect the suitability of those arrangements.

    • (2) In considering any request made under paragraph (1) the Proctors shall obtain and take into account the views of the consultant.

Appeals under this Part

  • 12.12. A candidate who is dissatisfied with any decision made by the Proctors under this Part, or their college, may appeal against that decision in accordance with the provisions of regulation 18.1 below.


  • 12.13. The costs of arrangements made under this Part shall not fall on the candidate.