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Master of Science by Coursework in Statistical Science

  • 1. The Divisional Board of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences shall elect for the supervision of the course a Standing Committee which shall have power to arrange lectures and other instruction.

  • 2. Candidates shall follow for at least three terms a course of instruction in Statistical Science.

  • 3. In the following, ‘the Course Handbook’ refers to the MSc in Statistical Science Handbook and course web pages published by the Supervisory Committee.
  • 4. The examination will be in three parts:

    • (i) Candidates shall offer eight units from the schedule of units (see below). These must include SB1 (a double-unit) and SB2 (a double-unit).

    • (ii) Candidates shall submit a practical assignment on Statistical Programming.

    • (iii) Candidates shall also submit a dissertation on a subject selected in consultation with the supervisor and approved by the director of the course.
  • 5.  The mode of assessment of SB1 and SB2 shall be a combination of written examinations and practical assignments, as detailed in the Course Handbook. The supervisory committee may specify that one of the practical assignments will be carried out as group projects, as detailed in the Course Handbook.

  • 6. The mode of assessment of other units shall be either written assignment or written examination, as detailed in the Course Handbook.

  • 7. The use of calculators is generally not permitted for written papers. However, their use may be permitted for certain exceptional examinations. The specification of calculators permitted for these exceptional examinations will be announced by the Examiners in the Hilary Term preceding the examination.

  • 8. If it is the opinion of the examiners that the work done by the candidate is not of sufficient merit to qualify for the Degree of M.Sc., but is nevertheless of sufficient merit to qualify for the Postgraduate Diploma in Statistical Science, the candidate shall be given the option of retaking the M.Sc. examination on one further occasion or of being issued with a postgraduate diploma. In the event of a candidate’s work not being of sufficient merit to qualify for the award of the M.Sc., the examiners will specify which of the assessed components of the course may or must be redone.
  • 9. A candidate who fails the course, or who declines the option of being issued with a postgraduate diploma, will be permitted to retake on one further occasion only. This resit attempt shall be taken at the next opportunity. The examiners will specify at the time of failure which of the assessed components of the course may or must be redone. No candidate who has achieved a mark of at least 50 (pass) in any one of the assessed components may enter again for the same component. 


The schedule of units and the mode of assessment details for each unit will be published in the Course Handbook by the beginning of the Michaelmas Full Term in the academic year of the examination.

The Course Handbook will also include the rules governing the submission of dissertations, practical assignments and any units assessed by written assignment, including deadlines.