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Regulations on Financial Matters: Part 5 Fees for certain scholarship and exchange agreements

  • 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Part 1 above, the University shall remit 45% of the prescribed fees payable by any student who establishes, by information certified to the Chief Financial Officer by an officer of the student's college or society, that a proportion (agreed between the college and Junior Members), of the student's maintenance (as distinct from fees), as determined by Student Fees and Funding in the relevant year, has been provided by resident Junior Members of the University (otherwise than from funds of common rooms contributed directly or indirectly by grant-paying authorities in payment of membership fees); provided that:

    • (a) the number of students whose fees are remitted under this clause shall not in any one year exceed forty-five and that any arrangements required for determining the allocation between colleges or other societies of the benefits available under this clause shall be subject to approval from time to time by Council's Education Committee.

    • (b) the student’s college or society shall remit 55% of the prescribed fees, and shall also arrange to cover the balance of the cost of the student’s maintenance, as determined by Student Fees and Funding, that is not covered by the Junior Members; and

      (c) the criteria for and selection of students benefiting from these provisions shall be administered through the Reach Oxford Scholarship, or other scheme designated as eligible by Council's Education Committee.

  • 2. Council's Education Committee shall have power to approve exchange arrangements with other universities under which no fees are payable on either side. Any of the fees prescribed in Part 1 or Part 2 above, which would otherwise have been payable by any person working in Oxford under those exchange arrangements shall be remitted.