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Regulations for Matriculation of Student Members

  • 1. In these regulations, unless the context requires otherwise, ‘college’ means any college, society, or Permanent Private Hall or any other institution designated by Council by regulation as being permitted to present candidates for matriculation.

Academic qualifications

  • 2.

    • (1) In order to be matriculated as student members candidates must show evidence of an appropriate educational background and good standards of literacy and numeracy.1

    • (2) The University sets no formal ‘Course Requirements’ other than for the First Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine; candidates must, however, show that they are qualified to study the particular course they wish to take at Oxford.

    • (3) Acceptance by a college for presentation for matriculation will be deemed to be adequate evidence of an appropriate educational background, of good standards of literacy and numeracy, and of qualifications to study the course.

  • 3. All candidates for matriculation shall supply to the Registrar such particulars as Council may from time to time determine, and may be required to produce to the Registrar (through the authorities of their colleges) evidence of their qualification to be matriculated.

  • 4. Certificates in a language other than English must be accompanied by an English translation certified as correct by a duly authorised official of the country to which the candidate belongs.

Presentation for matriculation

  • 5. Unless regulation 6 below applies, every head of a college or in their absence their deputies shall present to the Vice-Chancellor for matriculation all members of their college who are prospective student members of the University within a fortnight from the date of their admission to the college.

  • 6. A person who wishes to become a Senior Student under the provisions of the Regulations for Senior Student Status, or a graduate of another university who is applying for admission as a Probationer Research Student or as a student for any of the Degrees of Master of Fine Art, Master of Letters, Master of Philosophy, Master of Science, Master of Studies, Magister Juris, Master of Business Administration, Master of Public Policy, Bachelor of Philosophy, Bachelor of Civil Law, or Bachelor of Divinity must be presented to the Vice-Chancellor for matriculation by the head of his or her college or deputy within one month from the date of his or her admission to membership of his or her college.

  • 7. A candidate who is matriculated during vacation shall be deemed to have been matriculated on the first day of the term following the vacation.

  • 8. A person who becomes a student member by incorporation under regulations 1.7–1.18 of the Regulations for Degrees, Diplomas, and Certificates shall be deemed to have been matriculated on the first day of the term in which he or she was incorporated (or, in the case of a person incorporated during vacation, on the first day of the term following the vacation).

  • 9. The procedure at the matriculation ceremony shall be in accordance with the arrangements laid down in the Regulations of Congregation for the Conduct of Ceremonies in Congregation.

Provisional matriculation

  • 10.

    • (1) Any person who is eligible to be matriculated may, if in the opinion of the head of his or her college there is good reason for that person not to be presented for matriculation under regulation 5 above, and on payment of the matriculation fee (if payable), be ‘provisionally matriculated’ (in absence) in accordance with arrangements made by Council and shall then be treated for all purposes as a member of the University until the end of the second term after the term in which he or she is provisionally matriculated.

    • (2) The duty under regulation 5 above of a head of a college to present any person for matriculation within a specified period from the date of his or her admission to the college shall be deemed to have been satisfied by that provisional matriculation, subject to the following conditions:

      • (a) any person who is matriculated not later than the second term following the date of his or her provisional matriculation shall be deemed for all purposes to have been matriculated on the date of his or her provisional matriculation;

      • (b) if any person has not been matriculated in or before the second term following his or her provisional matriculation, his or her provisional matriculation shall, unless Council determines otherwise, be cancelled but the fee shall not be returned.

  • 11. Notwithstanding the provisions of regulation 10 above, any person who has been provisionally matriculated and who is a student for the degree of M.St in International Human Rights Law, or who, in accordance with arrangements approved by Council, spends the first two terms of his or her studies at any of the universities approved by Council under the ERASMUS postgraduate exchange scheme for Law and Economics may be matriculated up to the end of the third term after the term in which he or she was provisionally matriculated, and the duty under regulation 5 above of a head of a college to present any person for matriculation within a specified period from the date of his or her admission to the college shall be deemed to have been satisfied by that provisional matriculation, subject to the following conditions:

    • (1) any person who is matriculated not later than the third term after the term in which he or she was provisionally matriculated shall be deemed for all purposes to have been matriculated on the date of his or her provisional matriculation;

    • (2) if any person has not been matriculated in or before the third term after the term in which he or she was provisionally matriculated, his or her provisional matriculation shall, unless Council determines otherwise, be cancelled but the fee shall not be returned.

  • 12. The matriculation fee (if payable), the particulars which the candidate is required to supply under the provisions of regulation 3 above, and (if requested) evidence of his or her qualification to be matriculated shall be sent by the authorities of the candidate's college to the Registrar with a request that the candidate be provisionally matriculated.

Matriculation in absence

  • 13. Students who have not previously matriculated or incorporated, and who begin a programme of study that has been granted permission to matriculate in absentia by Education Committee, will be matriculated at the next matriculation ceremony.

St Catherine's Society

  • 14. All persons who were matriculated through St Catherine's Society shall be deemed to have been matriculated through St Catherine's College, except that those who were matriculated in Michaelmas Term 1961 or later and who were not reading for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts shall be deemed to have been matriculated through Linacre College.

Matriculation for Theological Courses of members of Ripon College, Cuddesdon

  • 15. In each academic year, subject to the approval of Council, Ripon College, Cuddesdon, shall be permitted, subject to the conditions laid down in regulations 16-18 below, to present for matriculation by the University:

    • (1) not more than twenty-two full-time-equivalent qualified candidates offering themselves for the qualifications listed in regulation 18 below other than the M.Th. in Applied Theology or the Diploma in Applied Theology; and

    • (2) not more than fourteen qualified candidates offering themselves for the M.Th. in Applied Theology or the Diploma in Applied Theology.

  • 16. No person may be matriculated under the authority of these regulations unless Ripon College, Cuddesdon can certify that they are a minister of religion or a genuine candidate for the ministry.

  • 17. Before presenting any candidate for matriculation under the authority of these regulations, Ripon College, Cuddesdon shall consult the Board of the Faculty of Theology and Religion or such nominee or nominees as the board may appoint to act for it.

  • 18. Persons matriculated under the authority of regulations 15-17 above shall have in relation to the University the same privileges and obligations as if they had been matriculated through a college, except that they may not (unless they migrate to a college listed in Statute V) offer themselves for any degree, diploma, or certificate examinations of the University other than those for:

    • (1) the Honour School of Theology and Religion or any joint Honour School which includes Theology;

    • (2) the Degree of Master of Studies or Master of Philosophy in Theology, or Postgraduate Diploma in Theology and Religion, or Master of Theology in Applied Theology, or the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Theology;

    • (3) the Degree of Master of Letters in the Faculty of Theology and Religion or the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Theology and Religion.

Matriculation for Theological Courses of members of St Stephen’s House

  • 19. In each academic year, subject to the approval of Council, St Stephen’s House, shall be permitted, subject to the conditions laid down in regulations 20-22 below, to present for matriculation by the University:
    • (1) not more than eleven full-time-equivalent qualified candidates offering themselves for the qualifications listed in regulation 20 below.
  • 20. No person may be matriculated under the authority of these regulations unless St Stephen’s House can certify that they are a minister of religion or a genuine candidate for the ministry or exercising lay ministry.
  • 21. Before presenting any candidate for matriculation under the authority of these regulations, St Stephen’s House shall consult the Board of the Faculty of Theology and Religion or such nominee or nominees as the board may appoint to act for it.
  • 22. Persons matriculated under the authority of regulations 19-21 above shall have in relation to the University the same privileges and obligations as if they had been matriculated through a college, except that they may not (unless they migrate to a college listed in Statute V) offer themselves for any degree, diploma, or certificate examinations of the University other than those for:
    • (1) the Honour School of Theology and Religion or any joint Honour School which includes Theology;
    • (2) the award of Master of Studies or Master of Philosophy in Theology, or Master of Studies or Master of Philosophy in Philosophical Theology or Postgraduate Diploma in Theology and Religion, or Master of Theology in Applied Theology, or Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Theology;
    • (3) the Degree of Master of Letters in the Faculty of Theology and Religion or Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Theology and Religion.

1 GCSE passes at grade C and above in English Language, in a Mathematics or Science Subject, and in a language other than English and at least two A-level passes (or the equivalent in AS levels or a mixture of A and AS levels) would normally satisfy these requirements, as would an appropriate level of attainment in other qualifications such as Scottish Highers, the Irish Leaving Certificate, BTEC National Certificate, an Open University Foundation Course Credit, the European and International Baccalaureates, and degrees of other universities.