Recognized Students
1. There shall be a Register of Recognized Students who are not members of the University.
2. Any academic division, department or faculty board may place the name of any applicant on the Register of Recognized Students provided that the applicant:
Provided that the applicant:
(a) is not a member of the University,
(b) possesses the qualifications required from candidates for admission to the status of Senior Student except that persons not so qualified may in exceptional cases be admitted,
(c) is placed under an academic adviser appointed by the relevant board. It shall be the duty of the academic adviser to advise on the work of the student but not to give systematic instruction. The adviser shall submit a report on the progress of the student to the board at the end of each term.
3. Application for admission as a Recognized Student shall include:
(a) evidence of the degrees previously obtained by the applicant,
(b) a statement of the proposed subject of study,
(c) two references, normally from senior academic members of the applicant’s current university;
(d) proof of English language proficiency at the appropriate level determined by the relevant board.
Applications will be assessed by an academic assessor appointed by the relevant board. The decision to admit an applicant is the responsibility of the relevant board which may delegate approval to the Director of Graduate Studies or equivalent or other appropriate person.
4. If an applicant for admission as a Recognized Student shall propose a subject of study which is outside the scope of the board of any faculty or divisional board but which may in the opinion of the Education Committee be profitably studied at Oxford, that committee may, on the recommendation of a delegacy or committee constituted under the provisions of the appropriate regulation, deal with their case as if it were the board of a faculty.
5. For each term for which their name is on the Register, every Recognized Student shall pay a fee at the annual rate specified by the Regulations on Financial Matters, within fourteen days from the beginning of Full Term (or from the date of the decision to place their name on the Register, in the case of a decision taken during Full Term and applying to that term).
6. A Recognized Student shall cease to hold that status
(a) if they shall have failed to pay the fees required under clause 5,
(b) if their name shall have been removed from the Register by the relevant board.
7. Every Recognized Student shall be entitled
(i) to use the University Libraries subject to the provision of the statutes governing particular Libraries,
(ii) to attend lectures advertised in the lists of boards of faculties and other bodies:
- Provided that attendance
(a) at lectures described as seminars or classes or informal instruction shall be subject to the permission of the holder,
(b) at lectures given in any college building shall be subject to the right of the college concerned to refuse admission.
(iii) to work in any University department or institution subject to the agreement of the head of that department or institution.
8. No Recognized Student shall have their name on the Register of Recognized Students for more than three terms.
9. The relevant board shall have power to remove the name of any Recognized Student from the Register of Recognized Students.