Research Degrees in the Department for Continuing Education
[Students are advised to look at the most recent edition of the Examination Regulations for information on current requirements.]
1. Admission
Students will normally be admitted as Probationer Research students. Students may be admitted to one of the subjects listed in the Schedule for D.Phil. below or, exceptionally, under Council Regulations 15 of 2002 (see 7. below). Students are admitted to study on a part-time basis only.
2. Attendance Requirements
Students are required to attend for a minimum of thirty days of university-based work each year, to be arranged with the agreement of their supervisor unless individually dispensed by the Board.
3. Transfer to D.Phil. Status
(a) Candidates are required to undergo a transfer process before they are admitted to D.Phil. status. The purpose and process are laid out in the General Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, section 3.
(b) Applications for transfer must be accompanied by such material as is detailed in the conventions for each programme.
(c) The Board may give leave to the assessors to request additional evidence.
4. Confirmation of Status
(a) Candidates are required to undergo a confirmation of status process to demonstrate that work on their thesis is progressing satisfactorily and that the proposed timetable leading to submission is achievable. The process is laid out in the General Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, section 4.
(b) Applications for confirmation must be accompanied by such material as is detailed in the conventions for each programme.
(c) The Board may give leave to the assessors to request additional evidence.
5. The Continuing Education Board may approve a transfer to the status of Student for the Degree of Master of Science by Research or of Master of Letters, as appropriate, to those candidates who:
(a) Have been unsuccesful in their application to transfer or confirm status or;
(b) Request to transfer status from PRS to D.Phil., or;
(c) Fail to satisfy the examiners in the examination for a D.Phil., but satisfy the examiners in the requirements for the lesser award.
6. Thesis
Maximum thesis lengths for D.Phil. and MLitt/MSc(Res) are detailed in the Schedule below. Any thesis exceeding the word count as defined in the conventions for the subject is liable to be rejected on that ground. In exceptional cases the Board may give leave to exceed the limit by a stated amount.
7. Candidates admitted exceptionally under Council Regulations 15 of 2002 shall be subject to the provisions of (1.) - (6.) above. Material required will be as for the D.Phil. in Sustainable Urban Development unless otherwise notified by the Continuing Education Board on admission.
The Continuing Education Board may admit students to read for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the following subjects
Archaeology (thesis up to 80,000 words)
Architectural History (thesis up to 100,000 words)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (thesis up to 50,000 words)
English Local History (thesis up to 100,000 words)
Evidence-Based Health Care (thesis up to 50,000 words)
Literature and Arts (thesis up to 100,000 words)
Sustainable Urban Development (thesis up to 100,000 words)
The Continuing Education Board may award the degree of Master of Letters in the following subjects
Archaeology (thesis up to 40,000 words)
Architectural History (thesis up to 50,000 words)
English Local History (thesis up to 50,000 words)
Literature and Arts (thesis up to 50,000 words)
Sustainable Urban Development (thesis up to 50,000 words)
The Continuing Education Board may award the degree of Master of Science by Research in the following subjects
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (thesis up to 30,000 words)
Evidence-Based Health Care (thesis up to 30,000 words)