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Master of Studies in Traditional China

  • 1. Candidates must follow a course of instruction in Chinese Studies at Oxford for a period of three terms, unless the Faculty Board in exceptional circumstances shall permit an extension of time. 

  • 2. Assessments will consist of four units. Essays and thesis must be submitted to the University approved online assessment platform. 

  • 3. Unit (i) Prescribed texts, to be selected from a list published by the Faculty in the course handbook. Candidates will be required to submit two 5,000 word maximum essays. The first essay will be submitted by 12 noon on Monday of week 9 of Michaelmas Term and the second essay will be submitted by 12 noon on Monday of week 9 of Hilary Term. 

  • 4. Unit (ii) Either Classical Chinese unprepared translation or Japanese or another Asian language approved by the Board. Candidates taking the language examination will be required to complete a written examination appropriate to their level of language knowledge, as assessed at the start of the course. Candidates may choose a language other than Classical Chinese only if the Board is satisfied that they possess a good knowledge of Classical Chinese. Candidates who have taken Chinese in the Honour School of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies at Oxford are required to take Japanese or another Asian language.
  • 5. Unit (iii) Bibliography and techniques of sinology. In Trinity term, candidates will be assigned an essay, to be of no more than 3,000 words, and will be required to submit it by a date not sooner than five days and not later than seven days following the release of the paper. 

  • 6. Unit (iv) A thesis of not more than 15,000 words (excluding bibliography) on a topic selected in consultation with the candidate's supervisor and approved by the Faculty Board. The thesis must be submitted not later than 12 noon on Friday of Week 4 of Trinity Term.

  • 7. Candidates may be required to attend a viva.