Master of Studies in Islamic Art and Architecture
1. Before admission to the course, candidates must satisfy the Board of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies that they possess the necessary qualifications in Arabic or Persian or Ottoman Turkish to profit by the course.
2. Every candidate must follow for at least three terms a course of instruction in Islamic Art and Architecture.
3.The examination will consist of the following four units:
Unit 1.
Candidates shall submit a thesis of between 12,000 and 15,000 words in length (excluding bibliography), which should be equivalent to a substantial draft chapter or chapters of a proposed thesis for the M.Litt. or the D.Phil. (For submission, see under 7 below.)
Unit 2.
Candidates shall submit EITHER
2A: a portfolio containing reports on the practical work completed during the course, according to the schedule given in the Course Handbook. (For submission, see under 6 below.)
2B: a report or reports on practical work completed on one or more objects, buildings or sites that will form part of a proposed thesis for the M.Litt. or the D.Phil., to be selected by the candidate in consultation with the candidate’s supervisor. (For submission, see under 6 below.)
Units 3 and 4.
Candidates shall take any one of the following:
a. two examination papers, which may be any combination of language and non-language papers. When an elective paper is shared with another degree, the regulations for the paper follow that of the home degree.
b. two essays of between 5,000 and 7,000 words in length, which may be any two of the following:
(i) an essay on the theoretical issues raised by the subject which the candidate is proposing for the thesis for the M.Litt. or D.Phil.;
(ii) an essay on a topic relevant to the subject of the proposed thesis for the M.Litt. or D.Phil.;
(iii) an essay discussing the historical or literary background, or the source material, relevant to the proposed thesis for the M.Litt. or D.Phil.
c. one examination paper under (a) above and one essay under (b) above.
4. Applications for the approval of the choice between Unit 2A and Unit 2B and, if applicable, of the title or titles of the reports under 2B, and of the titles of the examination papers and/or essays for Units 3 and 4, to the Faculty Office on or before Monday of second week of Michaelmas Term.
5. Applications for the approval of the subject of their thesis must be submitted to the Faculty Office by Monday of nought week of Hilary Term.
6. Lists of any set texts prescribed for examination under Units 3 and 4 of the examination must be submitted to the Faculty Office by Friday of seventh week of Michaelmas Term.
7. All work submitted to the Chair of Examiners must be in typewritten form (except for figure, illustrations and images). A PDF copy (Unit 1, Unit 2 and, where applicable, Units 3 and 4, above) must be uploaded to the University-approved online assessment platform. Extended Essay 1 is due not later than noon on Monday of week 9 of Michaelmas Term.
Extended Essay 2 is due not later than noon on Monday of week 9 of Hilary Term.
The Report or Portfolio in 2A or 2B above must be submitted not later than noon on Monday of week 2 of Trinity Term.
The thesis must be submitted not later than noon on Thursday of week 6 of Trinity Term.
The work must bear the candidate’s examination number (but not the candidate’s name, which must be concealed). Candidates must include a declaration that the work is the candidate’s own.
8. Candidates may be required to attend a viva.