Master of Studies in Classical Hebrew Studies
1. Every candidate must follow for at least three terms a course of study in Classical Hebrew Studies.
2. Syllabus
There will be four Units. Each unit is examined by either a written paper in Trinity Term or a submission; the mode of assessment and deadline for each unit will be specified in the course handbook.
Unit (i) Essay questions on the history and literature of Israel and Judah in the Biblical period.
Unit (ii) Prepared and unprepared Biblical texts.
Units (iii) and (iv) Two of the following:
(1) Classical Hebrew Language;
(2) The principles and practice of textual criticism;
(3) North-west Semitic epigraphy;
(4) Aramaic;
(5) Dead Sea Scrolls;
(6) Ugaritic;
(7) Any other subject approved by the Board.
3. Candidates may be required to attend a viva.