Master of Science by Coursework in Migration Studies
- 1. The course shall be under the supervision of the Migration Studies Teaching Committee and regulated by the joint Graduate Studies Committee of the Department of International Development and the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography.
- 2. Candidates must follow a course of instruction in Migration Studies for at least three terms and will be expected to attend such lectures and seminars as their supervisor/Course Director shall recommend.
- 3. Each candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in six papers and a dissertation.
Papers I-II
- 4. Each candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in two core papers:
Paper I: Migration: Economics and Governance
Paper II: Migration: Anthropology and Development
- 5. Each core paper will be assessed by written examination; Paper I in early Hilary term and Paper II in early Trinity term.
Papers III- IV: Thematic and Regional Electives
- 6. Each candidate will be required to choose two thematic and regional electives, one from the Migration Studies home pool, and one from either the Migration Studies pool, the Anthropology pool or from another pool available in the Department of International Development. Candidates will be expected to follow the format and mode of examination of the examinations of the electives they choose. A list of electives including the timings and methods of assessment will be published by the Course Director at the start of Michaelmas Term.
Papers V-VI: Methods in Social Research
- 7. Each candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in Methods in Social Research assessed by two 2,500 word essays. The Qualitative assignment (Paper V) must be submitted no later than 12 noon on Tuesday of Week 1 of Hilary Term and the Quantitative assignment (Paper VI) must be submitted by no later than 12 noon on Tuesday of week 0 of Trinity Term.
- 8. Each candidate shall be required to submit a dissertation of not more than 15,000 words on a subject agreed in consultation with their supervisor. Each candidate will submit the proposed title of their dissertation for approval by the Chair of Examiners by 12 noon on the Friday of Week 2 of Hilary Term.
- 9. The dissertation must be submitted no later than 12 noon on Thursday of Week 8 of Trinity Term.
- 10. All assessments must be submitted using the University approved online assessment platform. Technical information on the requirements for online submissions is provided in the Course Handbook.
Oxford 1+1 MBA programme
Candidates registered on the Oxford 1+1 MBA programme will follow an additional two or three-month bridging programme at the end of their third term of the combined programme.
Each candidate will be appointed an academic advisor from the Saïd Business School to plan an individual course of study which will include as a minimum, the following three compulsory elements:
(i) Normally two meetings during the bridging programme with the senior advisor appointed by the Saïd Business School at the start of the Oxford 1+1 MBA programme.
(ii) A formatively assessed Integrative Development Plan of up to 3,000 words. Candidates would be required to critically reflect on their learning from the Masters programme and relate this both to their forthcoming MBA programme as well as to their career goals. The meetings with the advisor will frame the design, delivery and discussion of the plan.
(iii) Attendance of the MBA pre-course as described in the joining instructions for the MBA class, unless granted exemption by the MBA Committee on the grounds of prior formal study or work experience.