Master of Science by Coursework in Japanese Studies
1. The Course shall be under the supervision of the Japanese Studies Teaching Committee. The Course Director will, where possible, rotate between members of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and the Oxford School of Global and Area Studies.
2. Each candidate will be required to follow a course of instruction in Japanese Studies for three terms.
3. Candidates will be required to present themselves for examination in either:
- Mode A:
(i) a compulsory paper in Japanese Language.
(ii) and in two option subjects at the end of Trinity Term in the year of registration.
- Or Mode B:
(iii) three option subjects at the end of Trinity Term in the year of registration.
Candidates taking the examination in Japanese Language will also be required to undertake a series of written tests and essays as specified by the Japanese Studies Teaching Committee. The forms of assessment, and the dates and times of submission, where applicable, will be notified to students not later than Friday of week 0 of Michaelmas Term.
Candidates must choose option papers from a list which will be published annually and distributed to students by not later than Friday of week 0 of Michaelmas Term.
4. In addition, all candidates will be required to undertake the following assessment:
(i) Research Methods for Area Studies: A take-home paper on the collection and analysis of qualitative data (word limit: 2500 words including footnotes but excluding bibliography) will be released on Monday of Week 8 of Michaelmas Term with the work to be uploaded to the University’s approved online assessment platform by 12 noon on Monday of Week 9 of Michaelmas Term; and a take-home paper in quantitative analysis to be set on Monday of Week 8 with the work to be uploaded to the University’s approved online assessment platform by 12 noon on Monday of Week 9 of Hilary Term.
(ii) One 12,000 word dissertation (excluding abstract/summary, footnotes, bibliography, and appendices). The title of the dissertation must be approved by the Course Director by not later than 12 noon on Friday of week 4 of Hilary Term in the year in which the examination is taken. The dissertation must be submitted by not later than 12 noon of the weekday on or nearest to 1 September in the year in which the examination is taken. The dissertation must be accompanied by a statement that the dissertation is the candidate's own work except where otherwise indicated.
Each submission must be accompanied by a declaration indicating it is the candidate’s own work. Each of the items of written work detailed above must be uploaded to the University approved online assessment platform by the times and days specified for each paper.
5. Candidates who fail the research methods course overall will be permitted to resubmit a new submission for the failed piece(s) of work within four weeks of publication of the failed mark(s), on a date specified by the Chair of Examiners.
Candidates who fail one or more of the examination papers or the dissertation will be permitted to retake the examination paper(s) or resubmit the dissertation on one further occasion only, not later than one year after the first attempt.
6. Students wishing to apply to change programme of study to the MPhil in Japanese Studies must submit their application by the end of week 4 of either Michaelmas or Hilary term. Students should make their decision to switch programmes in consultation with their supervisor.