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Master of Science by Coursework in Global Governance and Diplomacy
- The Course shall be under the supervision of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Department of International Development.
- Each candidate will be required to follow a course of instruction in Global Governance and Diplomacy for three terms.
- Candidates will complete the following two core courses assessed by written examination at the end of Trinity term.
(i) A foundation paper in Global Governance and Diplomacy.
(ii) Research Methods.
- Candidates will choose two option papers to be selected from a list published annually by the Course Director by Monday of Week 0 of Michaelmas term. Each option paper will be assessed by a 3000 word essay to be submitted by no later than noon on Friday of Week 0 of the term following that of the teaching.
- Candidates will complete a 10,000-12,000 word dissertation on the analysis of an issue in global governance or diplomacy. The topic of the dissertation must be approved by the Course Director at the end of Hilary term by the date specified in the Course Handbook. The dissertation must be submitted by no later than noon on Thursday of Week 6 of Trinity term.
- The essays for the option papers and the dissertation must be submitted using the University approved online submission system. Technical information on the requirements for online submissions is provide in the Course Handbook.
- Candidates may be required to attend an oral examination on any part of the examination.