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Master of Science by Coursework in Economics for Development

  • 1. The course shall be under the joint supervision of the Graduate Studies Committees of the Department of International Development and the Department of Economics, which are under the supervision of the Social Sciences Divisional Board.
  • 2. Every candidate for the M.Sc. must follow a course of instruction in Economics for Development for at least three terms. Candidates will, when entering for the examination, be required to produce a certificate from their society to this effect.

  • 3. The examination will consist of:

    • (a) the following compulsory written papers, the syllabuses for which are given in the schedule:

      • (i) Macroeconomic Theory and International Trade

      • (ii) Microeconomic Theory

        (iii) Development Economics

        (iv) Quantitative Methods

    • (b) a compulsory dissertation.

  • The dissertation shall be on a topic falling within the general field of development economics. The topic shall be selected by the student in consultation with the supervisor, and approved by the Course Director by the end of the first week of the Trinity Full Term in which the examination is taken. The maximum length and form of the dissertation and instructions for submission will be communicated to candidates by the Chair of Examiners. The dissertation is to be submitted by noon on Tuesday of week 5 Trinity term. 

  • 4. The candidate may also be examined orally.


(i) Macroeconomic Theory and International Trade

Questions will be set on aspects of macroeconomic theory and the theory of international trade, central to the study of economic development. Full details of course content and structure will be provided in the M.Sc. Economics for Development Handbook published at the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term of the academic year in which the examination is taken.

(ii) Microeconomic Theory

Questions will be set on aspects of microeconomic theory central to the study of economic development. Full details of course content and structure will be provided in the M.Sc. Economics for Development Handbook published at the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term of the academic year in which the examination is taken.

(iii) Development Economics

Questions will be set on topics in development economics from a series of taught modules. The modules offered, which may vary from year to year, will normally be listed in the M.Sc. Economics for Development Handbook issued at the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term of the academic year in which the examination is taken, or as an addendum to the Handbook no later than 8th week of Michaelmas Full Term.

With the approval of the Course Director, a candidate may substitute a topic from the Development Economics course with an appropriate option from the MPhil Development Studies. MSc Global Governance & Diplomacy, MSc Migration Studies, or MSc Refugee & Forced Migration Studies. Where a topic has been substituted, the candidate will sit a pro-rata Development Economics written examination and the assessment from the option course as published in the Course Handbook. 

(iv) Quantitative Methods

Questions will be set on the theory and practice of quantitative methods used in the study of economic development. Full details of course content and structure will be provided in the M.Sc. Economics for Development Handbook published at the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term of the academic year in which the examination is taken.