Master of Philosophy in Slavonic Studies
1. Candidates will be required to satisfy the examiners in a Qualifying Examination identical with that for the M.St. in Slavonic Studies, in the academic year in which their names are first entered on the Register of M.Phil. Students, before proceeding to the final examination for the M.Phil. in the following year. Holders of the M.St. in Slavonic Studies are exempt from this Qualifying Examination.
2. In the final examination for the M.Phil. each candidate will be required to take two subjects from the Schedules listed in A - C, excluding the thesis in Schedule 2. Candidates may not repeat subjects which they have taken for the M.St. or for the Qualifying Examination, nor take more than one subject from Schedules from which they have already taken two subjects for the M.St. or for the Qualifying Examination. Candidates may not take subjects which they have already studied in a first degree course. The list of options in each Schedule will be available in the handbook for that year.
Schedule 1 — Unseen translation
Schedule 2 – Methodology
Schedule 3 – Slavonic Philology in Context
Schedule 4 – The History of a chosen language
Schedule 5 – The Structure and Present State of a chosen language
Schedule 6 – Russian Literature, Culture and History
Schedule 7 - Central European Literature, Culture and History
3. Each candidate will be required to present a thesis of approximately 20,000 words and not more than 25,000 words. Candidates are required to register the subject area or title of their thesis with the Modern Languages Graduate Office by the end of the fourth week of Hilary Term of their second year. The subject of the thesis should fall within the area of Slavonic languages and literatures. The MPhil thesis should be submitted electronically as specified in the course handbook by noon on Thursday of sixth week of Trinity Term in the second year. Work submitted in the thesis for the Degree of M.Phil. may subsequently be incorporated in a thesis submitted for the Degree of D.Phil.
4. Candidates must present themselves for oral examination unless dispensed by the examiners.
5. Candidates will be expected to be able to read secondary literature in at least one European language other than English and the Slavonic languages, and may be required to demonstrate this ability. Candidates will also be expected to attend a course of lectures on bibliographical, library, and archival resources in the field of Slavonic Studies.
6. If it is the opinion of the examiners that the work done by a candidate is not of sufficient merit to qualify him for the Degree of M.Phil. but that nevertheless his or her work in the Qualifying Examination was of sufficient merit to qualify him or her for the Degree of M.St. in Slavonic Studies, the candidate shall be given the option of resitting the M.Phil. examination under the appropriate regulation or of being granted permission to supplicate for the Degree of Master of Studies.
7. The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination.