Master of Philosophy in Judaism and Christianity in the Graeco-Roman World
The regulations made by the Boards of the Faculties of Ancient and Middle Eastern Studies and Theology and Religion are as follows:
I. All candidates shall be required:
(a) To satisfy the boards that they possess the necessary knowledge of Hebrew and Greek to profit by the course.
(b) To present themselves for a written examination and to offer a dissertation, as specified below.
(c) Each candidate should be prepared to present themselves for an oral (viva voce) examination. This may include discussion of both the examination papers and pre-submitted work. Please refer to the PGT Conventions for more information about viva voce examinations.
II. Candidates shall offer four papers and a dissertation, not to exceed 20,000 words. The dissertation must be uploaded to the University approved online assessment platform by Monday in Week 6 of Trinity Term. Each submission will require the candidate to make a declaration indicating that this is their own work. Two papers must be taken on Judaism and two papers must be taken on Christianity, and A(1) and B(1) must be included, unless the boards shall otherwise determine.
A. Judaism
(1) Judaism from 200 BCE to 200 CE.
(2) Jewish historiography (with prescribed texts).
(3) Jewish Bible interpretation (with prescribed texts).
(4) Jewish eschatology (with prescribed texts).
(5) Jewish wisdom literature (with prescribed texts).
B. Christianity
(1) Christianity to 200 CE.
(2) The Gospels and the historical Jesus (with prescribed texts).
(3) Acts and the Pauline corpus (with prescribed texts).
(4) The Apostolic Fathers (with prescribed texts).
(5) The Apologists (with prescribed texts).
Note: Texts will be published in the Course Pamphlet.