Master of Philosophy in Comparative Social Policy
The regulations made by the Divisional Board of Social Sciences are as follows:
Qualifying Test
Every candidate must pass a qualifying test at the end of the third term from the beginning of the course in the two compulsory papers, Methods of Social Research and Core Paper: Comparative Social Policy and Social Policy Analysis, and one Optional Paper from the list of optional papers, specified by the Department of Social Policy and Intervention. This will be from a list published annually by Friday of the sixth week of Michaelmas Full Term in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention. Candidates may, after special permission of the Course Director, offer subjects outside this list. This may also include papers offered in any other relevant master's degree in the University subject to the permission of the relevant Course Director as appropriate. The examiners may examine candidates viva voce. Candidates who fail the qualifying test may, in exceptional circumstances, be allowed to retake the test before the beginning of the first week of the next academic year. The examiners can decide that the retake shall consist of the whole test or parts thereof.
Final Examination
Every candidate must offer:
1. One further option paper. This will be from a list published annually by Friday of the sixth week of Michaelmas Full Term in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention or, in exceptional circumstances and with the special permission of the Course Director, from subjects outside this list.
2. A thesis of not more than 30,000 words that employs the comparative method in the study of a social policy topic. The word count applies to the text, but does not include graphs, tables and charts in the main text, or bibliography. An additional word limit of 6,000 words in total applies to the abstract, footnotes, endnotes and technical appendices (including graphs, tables and charts). Candidates are required to upload the thesis using the University approved online assessment platform by noon on Friday of the sixth week of Trinity Full Term in which the examination is to be taken. Technical information on the requirements for online submissions is provided in the Course Handbook.
The examiners may examine any candidate viva voce.
Compulsory Papers
Methods of Social Research
A course of practical work in (i) basic principles of statistical inference, and statistical models for the analysis of quantitative social science data, and (ii) the rationale and techniques of qualitative research appropriate to social policy and related social enquiry. Such practical course work in social research methods shall be assessed by a series of assignments set during the first two terms of the course. These shall be listed in the Course Handbook and submission dates set for each assignment. Each of the two quantitative assignments will be of a maximum length of 2,500 words. The qualitative assignment will be of a maximum length of 3,000 words. These shall be marked during the course. Candidates shall submit their assignments using the University approved online assessment platform. Technical information on the requirements for online submission is provided in the Course Handbook. In the event of any candidate not reaching the pass mark set for either the qualitative or quantitative assignments, one further attempt shall be permitted within the same examination year, though in the event of a successful resubmission only the bare pass mark shall be awarded.
The Core Paper: Comparative Social Policy and Social Policy Analysis
This paper is based on two courses: Comparative Social Policy and Social Policy Analysis.
Option Papers
These will be from a list published annually by Friday of the sixth week of Michaelmas Full Term in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention. In exceptional circumstances and with the special permission of the Course Director, the option paper may be from subjects outside this list. The option paper will be assessed by a 4,000-5,000 word essay, to be submitted using the University approved online assessment platform by noon on the date specified in the Course Handbook. In the event of any candidate not reaching the pass mark set for the essay, one further attempt shall be permitted within the same examination year, normally at the end of the following term, though in the event of a successful resubmission only the bare pass mark shall be awarded.