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Honour School of Philosophy and Theology


  • 1. The subjects of the Honour School of Philosophy and Theology shall be (a) Philosophy and (b) Theology.

  • 2. All candidates must offer both (a) and (b).

  • 3. No candidate shall be admitted to examination in this school unless he or she has either passed or been exempted from the First Public Examination.

  • 4. The examination in this school shall be under the joint supervision of the Boards of the Faculties of Philosophy and Theology and Religion, which shall appoint a standing joint committee to make regulations concerning it, subject always to the preceding clauses of this subsection.

  • 5.

    • (i) The examiners for Philosophy in this school shall be such of the Public Examiners in Philosophy in the Honour School of Psychology, Philosophy, and Physiology, and those for Theology shall be such of the Public Examiners in the Honour School of Theology and Religion, as may in each case be required.

    • (ii) It shall be the duty of the chair of the Public Examiners in Psychology, Philosophy, and Physiology to designate such of the examiners in Philosophy as may be required for Philosophy in the Honour School of Philosophy and Theology, and the duty of the chair of the Public Examiners in the Honour School of Theology to designate such of their number as may be required for Theology in the Honour School of Philosophy and Theology, and when this has been done the number of the examiners in Philosophy and Theology shall be deemed to be complete.


The highest honours can be obtained by excellence either in Philosophy or in Theology provided that adequate knowledge is shown in the other subject of the examination.

Candidates are required to offer eight papers. Three papers must be in Philosophy and three in Theology; the other two may be in either Philosophy or Theology. A candidate may offer a Philosophy thesis, or a Theology thesis, but may not offer both.

(a) Philosophy

Subjects as specified in Regulations for Philosophy in all Honour Schools including Philosophy.

All candidates must offer paper 107 Philosophy of Religion.

Candidates must offer one paper from: 101 Early Modern Philosophy and 102 Knowledge and Reality.

Candidates must offer one paper from: 103 Ethics; 115 Plato, Republic; 116 Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics.

Candidates may choose up to two further papers from those specified in Regulations for Philosophy in all Honour Schools including Philosophy, subject to the restrictions detailed in those regulations. 

(b) Theology

Each year the Faculty of Theology and Religion will publish a list of available papers and specify the assessment mode for each as well as any restrictions pertaining to individual papers. 

Regulations concerning theses

A thesis may be offered either in Theology or in Philosophy (199). The regulations governing theses in Philosophy are the same as those specified in Regulations for Philosophy in all Honour Schools including Philosophy.  The regulations governing theses in Theology are the same as those specified for theses in the Special Regulations for the Honour School of Theology and Religion.