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Honour School of Engineering Science


  • 1. No candidate shall be admitted to the examination in this school unless he or she has either passed or been exempted from the First Public Examination.

  • 2. The subject of the examination shall be Engineering Science.

  • 3. The examination in this school shall be under the supervision of the Divisional Board of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences, which shall make regulations concerning it, subject always to the provisions of this subsection.

  • 4.

    • (a) The examination shall consist of three parts (A, B, C).

    • (b) Parts A, B and C shall be taken at times not less than three, six, and nine terms, respectively, after passing or being exempted from the First Public Examination.

    • (c) Parts B and C shall be taken in consecutive years save where approval has been given by the Board for an intercalated year of study or industrial attachment between Parts B and C.

  • 5.

    • (a) A candidate adjudged worthy of at least second class honours in Parts A and B together at the first attempt and worthy of Honours in Part C in Engineering Science may supplicate for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Engineering Science provided that the candidate has fulfilled all the conditions for admission to a degree of the University.

    • (b) A candidate who passes Parts A and B together but fails to be adjudged worthy of at least second class honours at the first attempt, or who is adjudged worthy of at least second class honours in Parts A and B together, but who does not enter, or withdraws from, Part C, is permitted to supplicate for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Engineering Science (Pass, or Honours with the classification obtained in Parts A and B together, as appropriate); provided that no such candidate may later enter or re-enter the Part C year or supplicate for the degree of Master of Engineering in Engineering Science; and provided in each case that the candidate has fulfilled all the conditions for admission to a degree of the University.

    • (c) The Examiners shall give due consideration to the performance in all parts of the respective examinations.

  • 6. The name of a candidate shall not be published in a results list until he or she has completed all parts of the respective examination (Parts A, B, and C for the Master of Engineering in Engineering Science or Parts A and B for students exiting with a Bachelor of Arts in Engineering Science) in accordance with cl. 6 above.


  • 1. The examiners will not provide calculators, but will permit the use of one hand-held pocket calculator from a list of permitted calculators published by the Chair of the Faculty not later than the end of the Trinity Full Term in the academic year preceding the examination.

  • 2. Candidates may be examined viva voce at the examiners’ discretion.

Part A

  • 1. Part A shall be entered on one occasion only.

  • 2. The Syllabus for Part A will be published in the Course Handbook, together with the relative weighting of each paper and the duration of all written papers. (The ‘Course Handbook’ refers to the Engineering Science Undergraduate Course Handbook, published annually at the start of Michaelmas Term by the Faculty of Engineering Science.)

  • 3. Each candidate will be required to take four written papers, as follows:

    • A1 Mathematics

    • A2 Electronic and Information Engineering

    • A3 Structures, Materials and Dynamics

    • A4 Energy Systems

  • In addition, they will be required to take Paper A5 Engineering Practical Work, which will be examined by continuous assessment. Candidates will not normally be required to submit their Engineering Practical Work. However, the examiners may request practical work from some candidates. Such candidates will be named in a list posted by the day of the last written examination.

Part B

  • 1. A candidate who obtains only a pass, or fails to satisfy the examiners, may enter again for Part B of the examination on one, but no more than one, subsequent occasion.

  • 2. The Syllabus for Part B will be published annually by the Faculty of Engineering Science in the course handbook at the start of Michaelmas Term, together with the relative weighting of each paper and the duration of all written papers.

  • 3.  A limited number of places are available for candidates seeking to follow the entrepreneurship and management pathway through Part B. Candidates wishing to take this pathway must apply to the Associate Head (Teaching) by 5pm on Friday of Week 7 of Trinity term during their Part A. The procedure for application is described in the course handbook. Candidates who apply to follow this pathway and are successful shall be required to take the papers set out in paragraph 4. Candidates who do not apply to take this pathway, and candidates who apply to take these papers but are unsuccessful, shall be required to take be required to take the papers set out in paragraph 5.

  • 4. Candidates who follow the entrepreneurship and management pathway will be required to take:

    • a) Four optional written papers from Schedule B papers published in the course handbook.

      b) Engineering Computation (paper B1).

      d) Engineering in Society (Ethics, Safety & Risk, Sustainability) (paper B2E1)

      e) Engineering Management and Strategy (paper B2E2)

      f) Group Design Project with Entrepreneurship (paper B3E).

      g) Engineering Practical Work (paper B4). This will be examined through continuous assessment. Candidates will not normally be required to submit their Engineering Practical Work. However, the examiners may request practical work from some candidates. Such candidates will be named in a list posted by the day of the last written examination.

  • 5. All other candidates will be required to take:

    • a) Five optional written papers from Schedule B papers published on the course handbook.

      b) Engineering Computation (paper B1).

      c) Engineering in Society (paper B2), comprising of

      • i.   Ethics, Safety & Risk, Sustainability

        ii.    Project finance, Project management, Technology strategy

    • e) Group Design Project (paper B3).

      f) Engineering Practical Work (paper B4). This will be examined through continuous assessment. Candidates will not normally be required to submit their Engineering Practical Work. However, the examiners may request practical work from some candidates. Such candidates will be named in a list posted by the day of the last written examination.

  • 6. Candidates shall submit to the examiners reports on the Engineering Computation (Paper B1) completed as a part of their course of study. The subject of the project shall be approved by the Projects Committee of the Faculty of Engineering Science and one copy of the report must be uploaded to the University approved online assessment platform by noon on Wednesday of the first week of Hilary Term in the year of the Part B examination. The project report must not exceed ten pages (including all diagrams, photographs, references and appendices). All pages must be numbered, have margins of not less than 20mm all round and type face of Arial 11 pt font with double-line spacing. The report must be the candidate’s own work and should include a declaration to this effect. Project reports previously submitted for the Honour School of Engineering Science may be resubmitted. No project report will be accepted if it has already been submitted wholly or substantially for another honour school or degree of this University, or for a degree at any other institution. Resubmitted work must be physically presented at the time and in the manner prescribed for submission.

  • 7. Candidates shall submit to the examiners written reports on the Group Design Project (paper B3) or Group Design Project with Entrepreneurship (paper B3E). The subject of the project shall be approved by the Projects Committee of the Faculty of Engineering Science and one copy of the report must be uploaded to the University approved online assessment platform by noon on Wednesday of the fourth week of Trinity Term in the year of the Part B examination. The project report must not exceed thirty pages (including all diagrams, photographs, references, and appendices). All pages must be numbered, have margins of not less than 20mm all round and type face of Arial 11 pt font with double-line spacing. The report must be the candidate’s own work and should include a declaration to this effect. Project reports previously submitted for the Honour School of Engineering Science may be resubmitted. No project report will be accepted if it has already been submitted wholly or substantially for another honour school or degree of this University, or for a degree at any other institution. Resubmitted work must be physically presented at the time and in the manner prescribed for submission

Part C

  • 1. Part C shall be entered on one occasion only.

  • 2. No candidate may present him or herself for examination in Part C unless he or she has been adjudged worthy of at least second class honours by the examiners in Parts A and B together at the first attempt.

  • 3. The Syllabus for Part C will be published annually by the Faculty of Engineering Science in the course handbook at the start of Michaelmas Term, together with the relative weighting of each paper and the duration of all written papers.

  • 4. Candidates who follow the entrepreneurship and management pathway will be required to take either:

    • (i) six written papers from the options listed in Schedule C and published in the course handbook

    • or

    • (ii) four written papers from the options listed in Schedule C and published in the course handbook and Entrepreneurship and Innovation (paper CE1) as set out in Schedule A of the Honour School of Economics and Management. Candidates must have taken Engineering Management and Strategy (paper B2E2) in their third year in order to choose this option.

    • or

    • (iii) an equivalent approved collection of course options if taking part in an exchange scheme. Candidates taking part in an exchange scheme shall have the proposed set of papers to be taken in the host institution approved by the faculty by the end of Trinity full term before going on the exchange.

  • 5. All other candidates will be required to take six written papers from the options listed in Schedule C and published in the course handbook or an equivalent approved collection of course options if taking part in an exchange scheme. Candidates taking part in an exchange scheme shall have the proposed set of papers to be taken in the host institution approved by the faculty by the end of Trinity full term before going on the exchange.

  • 6. Each candidate shall carry out a project on a topic of Engineering Science approved by the Projects Committee of the Faculty of Engineering Science. Each candidate shall submit one copy of the report which must be uploaded to the University approved online assessment platform by noon on Wednesday of the fourth week of Trinity Term. The report must not exceed fifty pages (including all diagrams, photographs, references and appendices). All pages must be numbered, have margins of not less than 20mm all round, and type face of Arial 11 pt font with double-line spacing. The report must be the candidate’s own work and should include a declaration to this effect. Reports previously submitted for Part C for the Honour School of Engineering Science may be resubmitted. No work will be accepted if it has already been submitted, wholly or substantially, for Part B or for another honour school or degree of this University, or for a degree of any other institution. Resubmitted work must be physically presented at the time and in the manner prescribed for submission.

  • 7. Each individual candidate taking part in a full year exchange at a host institution approved by the University will provide a collated set of coursework to the Exchange Coordinator of the Faculty of Engineering Science. The Exchange Coordinator will ensure that the host institution forwards a full transcript of the courses taken certified by the host institution. The Exchange Coordinator will also ensure that the host institution retains the examination papers for the approved courses undertaken and that these are submitted under seal, together with the collated coursework and transcript of courses taken, to the Chair of Examiners, Honour School of Engineering Science via the University approved online assessment platform by noon on Friday of the sixth week of Trinity Term.

  • Candidates may undertake their Project during a twenty-four week industrial placement and take a specified equivalent of six papers from Schedule C in the Course Handbook. The placement will be undertaken between the end of Trinity Full Term in the year in which the Part B examination is held and the beginning of Hilary Full Term in the year in which the Part C examination is held. The project will be carried out under the supervision of a person or persons approved by the Project Co-ordinator in Engineering. All projects and industrial attachments will normally be arranged by, and must be approved by, the project co-ordinators in Engineering. The report shall be on a topic approved by the Project Co-ordinator in Engineering. External project reports must be submitted by noon on Friday of the week before the start of Hilary Full Term in the year in which the Part C examination is held.