General Regulations Governing Research Degrees: Part 6 Students with Disabilities
1. This part is concerned with candidates for research degree assessments who have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry our normal activities.
2. Candidates may apply for alternative arrangements where the impairment which they have significantly affects their ability to undertake the following assessments in the manner in which they are normally undertaken by candidates.
3. Research degree assessments are taken to include interviews, presentations, and oral examinations for Transfer of Status, Confirmation of Status, and the final oral examination for the degrees of M.Litt., M.Sc. by Research, and D.Phil.
4. Candidates may apply for alternative assessment arrangements to the appropriate Board in advance of, or at the same time as, submitting their application for assessment.
5. The relevant Director of Graduate Studies (DGS) will determine whether the arrangement is one that they can approve, or one that must be approved by the Proctors. The Proctors shall issue guidance periodically on the adjustments to assessments that the DGS may approve, and those that should be referred to the Proctors.
6. The application must be supported by evidence as set out on the application form. If the DGS is not satisfied that the evidence supports the request, the application must be forwarded to the Proctors for determination.
7. Decisions on applications shall be communicated to the department or faculty who shall be responsible for putting the approved arrangements into place.
8. Alternative assessment arrangements approved by the DGS or the Proctors under these regulations shall normally apply to all assessments for the duration of the candidate’s course of study. It shall be the responsibility of the candidate to apply for any subsequent change to these arrangements which they may wish, and to inform the DGS of any material change in their circumstances which might affect the suitability of these arrangements.
9. A candidate who is dissatisfied with any decision made by the Proctors under these regulations, may appeal against it in accordance with the following provisions.
10. An appeal must be made in writing within 14 days of the date of the Proctors’ decision, addressed to the Chair of the Education Committee.
11. The appeal shall be determined expeditiously by the Chair or another member of the Committee, other than one of the Proctors, nominated by the Chair.