Doctor of Engineering
1. Any member of the University who has been admitted to the status of student for the degree of Doctor of Engineering by the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board and who has satisfied the conditions prescribed by these regulations may supplicate for the degree of Doctor of Engineering.
2. Candidates shall follow a programme of study consisting of (a) coursework and (b) research, in engineering or applied science, in the context of industrial or other professional practice. Each candidate must pass a specified number of coursework modules during the programme of study, as detailed in the Special Regulations for the degree of Doctor of Engineering in Renewable Energy Marine Structures. Each candidate shall submit for examination a thesis, or portfolio of a coherent set of linked research projects.
3. A student for the degree of Doctor of Engineering shall normally pursue his or her course of study at Oxford for 12 terms.
4. A student for the degree of Doctor of Engineering may be permitted by the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Divisional Board to undertake their research in a well-found research environment outside the University. Before admitting a candidate on this basis, the conditions set out in the Research Degrees in the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division shall be met.
5. Candidates shall be admitted initially with the status of Probationer Research Student. Students shall hold the status of Probationer Research Student for a maximum of six terms, and shall apply for admission to the status of student for the degree of Doctor of Engineering normally before the end of the fifth term, and no later than the eighth week of the sixth term.
6. A member of the University who has held the status of Probationer Research Student and has completed the qualifying test for entry to Doctor of Engineering status prescribed in the Special Regulations for the degree of Doctor of Engineering in Renewable Energy Marine Structures may be admitted to the status of student for the degree of Doctor of Engineering.
7. A candidate should normally apply for confirmation of his or her status as a student for the degree of Doctor of Engineering no later than the eighth week of the tenth term after that in which he or she was initially admitted to the status of Probationer Research Student. Candidates applying for confirmation of status must have fulfilled the requirements as specified for the specific programme.
8. Examiners of the thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Engineering shall bear in mind that their judgement of the substantial significance of the work should take into account what may reasonably be expected of a capable and diligent student after four years of full-time study.
9. If, after considering a candidate's second application for transfer of status, or a candidate's second application for confirmation of status, the responsible body considers that the student's progress does not warrant this, the responsible body may approve his or her transfer to the status of student for the Degree of Master of Science by Research.
10. Except as specifically provided above, and as provided in the Regulations for the degree of Doctor of Engineering in Renewable Energy Marine Structures, the provisions of the following regulations shall apply: Regulations for Admission as a Probationer Research Student; General Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (§1-7); General Regulations of the Education Committee governing the examination of students for the degrees of M.Sc. by Research, M.Litt., and D.Phil. and concerning the maintenance of the register; Regulations for Research Degrees in the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division; provided that, in all cases, ‘Doctor of Engineering’ shall be substituted for ‘Doctor of Philosophy’.
Doctor of Engineering in Renewable Energy Marine Structures
1. A Probationer Research Student registered on the Centre for Doctoral Training in Renewable Energy Marine Structures programme may choose to apply for admission to either the degree of Doctor of Engineering or the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. A Student must choose which degree to apply for no later than the end of the third full-term. The Regulations below apply to students seeking to apply for and supplicate for the degree of Doctor of Engineering. For students seeking to apply for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, the Regulations set out in Doctoral Training Programmes in MPLS shall apply.
2. Candidates shall follow a programme of study in Engineering and related disciplines, consisting of (a) coursework and (b) research, and shall have an industrial or other external sponsor.
3. The University of Oxford shall appoint an academic supervisor for each student. The sponsor shall appoint both an external supervisor and a professional mentor for each student. The student shall meet with their academic supervisor normally at least four times per term, at least one of these meetings taking place in Oxford.
4. In order successfully to fulfil the coursework requirements, candidates are required to pass a specified number of coursework modules in each academic year, as detailed in the Course Handbook. The list of permitted courses is detailed in the Course Handbook, and will be updated annually. If a candidate fails any coursework module they are permitted to re-sit the module according to the details as stipulated in the Course Handbook.
5. Admission to Doctor of Engineering status: Candidates must fulfil the specific conditions as detailed in the Course Handbook. The academic supervisor and external supervisor shall each provide a report on the student's progress. A candidate whose first application for transfer to Doctor of Engineering status is not approved shall be permitted to make one further application, following the procedures laid down above, and shall be granted an extension of time for one term (beyond the six term maximum) if this is necessary for the purposes of making the application.
6. Confirmation of status: Candidates will be required to fulfil the specific conditions, as detailed in the Course Handbook, before applying for confirmation of status. A candidate whose first application for confirmation of Doctor of Engineering status is not approved shall be permitted to make one further application, following the procedures laid down above, normally within one term of the original application, and shall be granted an extension of time for one term (beyond the normal maximum of ten terms) if this is necessary for the purposes of making the application.
7. In order to supplicate for the degree of Doctor of Engineering, candidates will be required to pass a specified number of coursework modules, as detailed in the Course Handbook. They will also submit for examination a thesis, or portfolio of a coherent set of linked research projects, as described in the Course Handbook.
8. The coursework modules shall be provided under arrangements approved by the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division and the Education Committee, as set out in the Course Handbook. Coursework modules offered by another institution shall be provided under the arrangements approved by the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division and the Education Committee and set out in a collaboration agreement with that institution. Variation of arrangements for the provision of modules will require the approval of the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division and the Education Committee.