Version Log

This page contains information on the changes to Research Degrees in Music since 1 July 2016

Gazette 27 June 2024

This change provides greater clarity for what is required for submission for confirmation of status.

Refer to Humanities Divisonal Board notice in the Gazette. 

Gazette 20 July 2023

Change to the details of the Submission for the DPhil in Composition. Refer Humanities Divisional Board notice in the Gazette

Technical Edit 23 September 2019

Removal of text marked 'Until MT2018'. 

Gazette 05 July 2018

Change to transfer of status requirements.  See the Humanities Divisional Board notice in the Gazette for further details.

Gazette 21 July 2016

(i) A cosmetic re-write of the requirements for transfer, confirmation and final submission has been undertaken, to improve the user-friendliness of the regulations.

(ii) Adjustment of the requirements for transfer of status for students specialising in composition: composers are currently expected to submit more work at transfer compared to musicologists. Therefore, a reduction in the upper word count (from a maximum of 10,000 words to a maximum of 6,000 words) for the essay required of composers has been agreed by the Faculty, although this will be accompanied by a 250-word overview of the thesis topic.

(iii) Re-instatement of the requirement to supply an overview of the topic of the thesis as part of transfer of status for students specialising in musicology: the requirement for students to provide a 500-word topic overview for one of the essays required of musicologists at transfer had previously been removed from the regulations. It has since been agreed that such an overview is useful to those assessing Transfer of Status applications and should therefore be reinstated.

(iv) Clarification of the requirements for confirmation of status, to bring those requirements for musicologists and composers into line with each other, concerning thesis / supporting dissertation titles and the annotated outline / detailed plan, which should normally be presented in chapter-by-chapter form, as a series of abstracts.

Clarification as to what may be excluded from the D.Phil. thesis word count specification: the Faculty has agreed that materials intended to accompany / provide supporting evidence for the thesis should not be included in the overall thesis word count.

See the Humanities Divisional Board notice in the Gazette for further details.