Version Log
This page contains information on the changes to Preliminary Examination in Biomedical Sciences since 1 July 2016
Gazette 20 July 2023
Update to nomenclature to reflect non-gender specific role. For further information see the Medical Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette.
Gazette 7 July 2022
Removal of schedule and detailed information on assessment. See the Medical Sciences Division Board in the Gazette for further information.
Gazette 27 June 2019
Change to mode of assessment. See the Medical Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette for further information.
Technical Edit 7 August 2018
Removal of text marked for students starting before MT 2016.
Gazette 21 July 2016
It had come to the attention of the Biomedical Sciences Year 1 committee in Hilary Term 2016 that recent results from the Student Barometer Survey revealed disappointingly low scores for the organisation of the first year of the course. In order to obtain more detailed feedback on this matter, Dr Wilkins asked the Student Representative for the cohort of second year students to consult amongst his peers. This consultation revealed that one reason for such a perception might be that students view the paper divisions in the Preliminary Examination to be rather odd; in particular there is a lot of perceived overlap between the Body and Cells threads which currently appear on different papers. It was, therefore, suggested that by dividing the threads into three papers (Body and Cells; Genes and Molecules; Brain and Behaviour), this would not only give them greater coherence, but also streamline the allocation of examiner duties.
See Medical Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette for further details.