Undergraduate Certificate in Archaeology

Differences from 2018/19 to 2024/25

  • [Until MT 2017 for students starting from MT 2016:

    1. The course shall consist of lectures, tutorials, seminars and classes on the subject of Archaeology. The course is available on a part-time basis only to be taken over a period of six terms.  

  • 2. Candidates may be permitted in certain circumstances to suspend status for a maximum of six terms.

    3. Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:

    • (a) Attendance at class-based sessions and practical sessions, and field  training programmes (or equivalent);

      (b) Nine assignments each of not more than 2,000 words;

      (c) One field training programme learning journal of not more than 2,000 words covering work undertaken during the field  training programme;

      (d) One two-hour written examination, covering the subjects taught in the first year of the course;

      (e) One extended assignment of not more than 5,000 words on a subject of the candidate’s choice relating to the course material and agreed with the Course Director.

  • The written work under clauses 3(b, c, and e) will be forwarded to the examiners for consideration by such dates as the examiners shall determine and shall notify candidates.

    4. Candidates may be required to attend a viva voce examination at the end of the course.

    5. The examiners may award a distinction to candidates for the Certificate.

    6. Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in the assessed work specified in 3(b-e) may be permitted to resubmit work in respect of part or parts of the examination which they have failed on not more than one occasion which shall normally be within one year of the initial failure. ]

  • [From MT 2017 for students starting from MT 2016:

    1. The course shall consist of lectures, tutorials, seminars and classes on the subject of Archaeology. The course is available on a part-time basis only to be taken over a period of two years.  

  • 2. Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:

    • (a) Nine assignments each of not more than 2,000 words;

      (b) One field training programme learning journal of not more than 2,000 words covering work undertaken during the field  training programme;

      (c) One two-hour written examination, covering the subjects taught in the first year of the course;

      (d) One extended assignment of not more than 5,000 words on a subject of the candidate’s choice relating to the course material and agreed with the Course Director.

  • The written work under clause 2(a, b, and d) will be submitted via the approved online submission system to the examiners for consideration by such dates as the examiners shall determine and shall notify candidates.

    3. Candidates may be required to attend a viva voce examination at the end of the course.

    4. Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in the assessed work specified in 2(a-d) may be permitted to resubmit work in respect of part or parts of the examination which they have failed on not more than one occasion which shall normally be within one year of the initial failure.  ]