Software Engineering Programme
Differences from 2014/15 to 2023/24
For students registering on the M.Sc. in Software Engineering or the M.Sc. in Software and Systems Security on or after 1 April 2010.
A. Definition of the Programme
1. The Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Divisional Board shall offer a Programme of Studies in Software Engineering at postgraduate level.
2. The subjects of the Programme shall be Software Engineering
,and Software and Systems Security, and Object Technology. -
3. The following awards shall be available within the Programme:
i. M.Sc. in Software Engineering
ii. M.Sc. in Software and Systems Security
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Software Engineering
iv. Postgraduate Diploma in Software and Systems Security
v. Postgraduate Certificate in Software Engineering
vi. Postgraduate Certificate in Software and Systems Security
vii.Postgraduate Certificate in Object Technology
4. The Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Divisional Board shall elect for the supervision of the Programme a Supervisory Committee which shall have the power to arrange lectures and other instruction.
B. Progression
5. Entry to the Programme is to the M.Sc. in Software Engineering or the M.Sc. in Software and Systems Security.
6. W
Withith the approval of the Programme Director, a candidate may transfer from the M.Sc. in Software Engineering to theM.Sc.Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate in Softwareand Systems SecurityEngineering,orand from theM.Sc.MSc in Software and Systems Security to theM.Sc.Postgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate in SoftwareEngineering, subject to being eligible to study for the relevant award as set out in sections CandDSystemsbelowSecurity. -
WithCandidates who do not enter for or do not successfully complete theapprovaldissertationofor do not otherwise meet theProgramme Director, a candidaterequirements for either theM.Sc. inMSc Software Engineeringor foror theM.Sc. inMSc Software and Systems Security may be awardedoneaofPostgraduate Diploma or Postgraduate Certificate provided they meet thePostgraduaterequirementsCertificatesfororthosePostgraduateawardsDiplomas set outgiven inclause 3 above, subject to such a candidate having satisfied the criteria for the award of the relevant Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma as set out in sections C andSection Dbelow.
C. Eligibility for awards: duration of study
ToThebeminimumeligibleperiod of registration for the award is two years and the maximum period ofanregistrationMis four years.Sc - 9. If, for good cause, a student
mustishavetemporarilybeenunableontothe Register forstudy, the ProgrammeforDirectoramayperiod of not less than two years, and not more than four years. 9.To be eligible forgrant theawardstudent’sof a Postgraduate Diploma, a student must have been on the Register for the Programmerequest for aperiodtemporary suspension ofnotstatuslessupthantooneayear,maximumand not more thanof threeyearsterms.10.ToApplications for suspension of status should beeligiblemadefortothe award of a Postgraduate Certificate, a student must have been on the Register forthe ProgrammeforOfficeaandperiodshould be accompanied by statements ofnot less than one year, and not more than two years.11.The Programme Director shall have grant suspensionsupport from theRegisterstudent'sfor a period or periods totalling not more than three terms during each of the maximum periods given in clauses 8, 9,supervisor and10 above; approve an extension of time of not more than three terms to each of the maximum periods given in clauses 8, 9, and 10 above;
subject to the total periods of suspensions and extensions not exceeding six terms overall.
D. Eligibility for awards: study and examinations
12.Students on the Register shall enter for the examination for the award of the M.Sc., unless they have been given approval under clause 7 above to be awarded one of the Postgraduate Certificates or Postgraduate Diplomas. 1310. SchedulesA-CI and II of modules will be publishedatonhttp://wwwthe programme’s insufficient students register for a module the Programme Director may make the decision not to offer that iteration of the module.-
1411. Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:-
a. M.Sc. in Software Engineering
attendanceassessmentat a minimum offor ten modules chosen from those intheScheduleScheduleI and II,comprisingasaspecifiedprogramme of study approved byin theSupervisorycourseCommitteehandbook; -
submissionparticipationofinataleastprojectten written assignments corresponding to those modulesmodule; -
participation in a project module (iv)submission ofa dissertation of not more than 20,000 words(including appendices and footnotes but excluding bibliography)on a subject selected by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor and approved by the Supervisory Committee. In preparation for the dissertation, candidates will be required to submit a proposal following participation in the project module. Dissertations submitted which differ from the topic approved by the Supervisory Committee may not be marked by the examiners;.
b. M.Sc. in Software and Systems Security
attendanceassessmentat a minimum offor ten modules chosen from those intheScheduleScheduleI and II,ofaswhichspecifiedat least six should come from Schedule C, together comprising a programme of study approved byin theSupervisorycourseCommitteehandbook; -
)submission of at least ten written assignments corresponding to those modules attended; (iii) participation in a project module;-
iviii)submission ofa dissertation of not more than 20,000 words(including appendices and footnotes but excluding bibliography)on a subject selected by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor and approved by the Supervisory Committee. In preparation for the dissertation, candidates will be required to submit a proposal following participation in the project module. Dissertations submitted which differ from the topic approved by the Supervisory Committee may not be marked by the examiners; (v)the subject of the projects and dissertation shall relate to software and systems security, and must have been approved as such by the Supervisory Committee.
c. Postgraduate Diploma in Software Engineering
attendanceassessmentat a minimum offor eight modules chosen from those intheSchedulesScheduleI and II,comprisingasaspecifiedprogramme of study approved byin theSupervisorycourseCommittee; (ii)handbook.submission of at least eight written assignments corresponding to those modules attended.
d. Postgraduate Diploma in Software and Systems Security
attendanceassessmentat a minimum offor eight modules chosen from those intheSchedulesScheduleI and II,ofaswhichspecifiedat least five should come from Schedule C, comprising a programme of study approved byin theSupervisorycourseCommittee; (ii)handbook.submission of at least eight written assignments corresponding to those modules attended.
e. Postgraduate Certificate in Software Engineering
attendanceassessmentat a minimum offor four modules, chosen fromtheSchedulesScheduleI and II,togetherascomprisingspecifieda programme of study approved byin theSupervisorycourseCommittee; (ii)handbook.submission of at least four written assignments, corresponding to those modules attended.
f. Postgraduate Certificate in Software and Systems Security
attendanceassessmentat a minimum offor four modules, chosen fromtheSchedulesScheduleI and II,atasleastspecifiedthree of which chosen from Schedule C, together comprising a programme of study approved byin theSupervisorycourseCommittee;handbook. (ii)submission of at least four written assignments, corresponding to those modules attended.
g12.PostgraduateTheCertificate in Object Technology(i)attendance at a minimum of four modulesassessments,chosen fromtheSchedule, at least three of which chosen from Schedule B, together comprising a programme of study approved by the Supervisory Committee;(ii)submission of at least four written assignments, corresponding to those modules attended.
The assignmentsproject and, for the M.Sc., two typewritten or printed copies ofthe dissertation, shall beforwardedsubmittedtoas described in and by theexaminers for consideration by such dates as the examiners shall determine and shall notify to candidates, supervisors and tutors. The assignments and the dissertation must be accompanied by a statement that it is the candidate’s work except where otherwise indicated. Candidates are usually required to submit the assignments electronically. Details will bedate given in theprogrammeCoursehandbookHandbook.Any candidate who is unable, for some reason, to submit practical work electronically must apply to the Programme Director for permission to submit the work in paper form. Such applications must reach the Programme Director two weeks before the deadline for submitting the work. The two copies of the dissertation shall be addressed to the Chair of Examiners, Software Engineering Programme, c/o Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, OX1 4BG.
1513. Provided the Supervisory Committee is satisfied that a candidate has undertaken equivalent study, of an appropriate standard, normally at another institution of higher education, the committee shall have the discretion to permit the candidate to be exempted from attending, and submitting the written assignment for,completing modules chosen from Schedule A, B, or C, as required under clause 1311 above as follows:
a. For the M.Sc.: up to two of the total of ten modules
for which written assignments are required; -
b. For the award of the Postgraduate Diploma: up to two of the total of eight modules;
c. For the award of the Postgraduate Certificate: up to one of the total of four modules.
That equivalent study might consist of modules from Schedules I and II completed and assessed prior to the commencement of the student's period of study; or it might take the form of courses of an appropriate standard from another institution of higher education. In either case, the equivalent study should have been completed no longer than 2 years prior to first registration for the programme.
1614. Candidates may be required to attend a viva voce examination as part of the examination for each award at the discretion of the examiners.
17. The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination for each award.
1815. Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in the assignments under clause 1411 above may be permitted to resubmit work in respect of the part or parts of the examination which they have failed for examinationreassessment on not more than one occasion which shall normally be within one year of the initial failure. No written assignment shall be submitted to the examiners on more than one occasion.
E. Subsuming of previous awards under the Programme
1916. In the exceptional circumstances that a candidate granted approval under clause 7 above to be awardedofone of the Postgraduate Certificates or Postgraduate Diplomas (set out in clause 3 above) is readmitted to one of the M.Scs (set out in clause 3 above), then the following apply:-
a. If any candidate who is successful in the examination for the Postgraduate Diploma has previously successfully completed the Postgraduate Certificate, and for that examination has incorporated the assignments submitted for the Postgraduate Certificate into the Postgraduate Diploma, then the Postgraduate Diploma will subsume
his or hertheir Certificate. -
b. If any candidate who is successful in the examination for the M.Sc. has previously successfully completed the Postgraduate Diploma or the Postgraduate Certificate, and for that examination has incorporated the assignments submitted for the Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma into the M.Sc., then the subsequent award will subsume
his or hertheir previous award.
F. Examination Conventions and Readmission
20.In the case of a candidate who is readmitted they will be subject to the Examination Conventions in force at the date of their readmission.
Surgical Science and Practice (old regulations for students registered before 1 October 2012)
1.The Divisional Board of Medical Sciences, jointly with the Continuing Education Board, shall elect for the supervision of the course a Standing Committee, which shall have the power to arrange lectures and other instruction.2.Candidates must follow for at least six terms and no more than nine terms, a part-time course of instruction in the theory and practice of Surgical Science and Practice, which shall normally take place over a period of two years and no more than four years.3.Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:(a)Attendance at the modules in Schedule A and Schedule B below and other teaching sessions as required.(b)Active participation in all parts of the course to the satisfaction of the Course Director.(c)Four written assignments related to the modules in Schedule A, each of not more than 4,000 words in length.(d)Two assignments consisting of multiple choice questions or structured short questions, online project working and practical tests related to the modules in Schedule B.(e)A dissertation of not more than 20,000 words (excluding tables, appendices, footnotes and bibliography), on a subject selected by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor and approved by the Course Director.
The assignments set out in clauses 3(c-e) shall be forwarded, usually through a specified electronic submission system, to the examiners c/o Registry, Department for Continuing Education, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA, for consideration by such date as the examiners shall determine and of which they shall notify candidates.4.Candidates may be required to attend a viva voce examination at the end of the course of studies at the discretion of the examiners.5.The examiners may award a distinction to candidates for the MSc.6.Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in any part of the examination may be permitted to resubmit work in respect of the part or parts of the examination that they have failed, for examination on not more than one occasion which shall normally be within one year of the original failure.7.The Standing Committee shall have the discretion to permit any candidate to be exempted, in exceptional circumstances, from attendance at any module under 3(a) and from submitting the associated assignment required under 3(c) and 3(d) above, provided that the Standing Committee is satisfied that such a candidate has undertaken equivalent study, or has appropriate work experience to an equivalent standard.
Schedule A
The practice of evidence-based health care
Quality improvement science and systems analysis
Introduction to surgical management and leadership
Becoming a medical educator
Any other module as defined by the Course Director and approved by the Standing Committee.
Schedule B
Human factors, teamwork and communication
Surgical technology and robotics.
Surgical Science and Practice (new regulations for students registering on any of the awards listed from 1 October 2012 and available to existing students)
1.The Medical Sciences Board, jointly with the Continuing Education Board, shall elect for the supervision of the course a Standing Committee, which shall have the power to arrange lectures and other instruction.2.The course is available on a part time basis only and shall consist of instruction in the theory and practice of Surgical Science and Practice.3.The policy of the Continuing Education Board on variable intensity part time study shall apply to this award.4.The minimum period of registration on the M.Sc. shall be three terms and the maximum period of registration shall be twelve terms.5.Candidates may be permitted in certain circumstances to suspend status, for a maximum of six terms. Any such period shall not count to the maximum or minimum permitted period of registration and no fee liability will be incurred during such periods.6.Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:(a)Attendance at the modules in Schedule A and Schedule B below and other teaching sessions as required.(b)Participation in all parts of the course to the satisfaction of the Course Director.(c)Four written assignments related to the modules in Schedule A, each of not more than 4,000 words in length.(d)Two assignments consisting of multiple choice questions or structured short questions, online project working and practical tests related to the modules in Schedule B.(e)A dissertation of not more than 15,000 words (including tables, appendices and footnotes but excluding reference list), on a subject selected by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor and approved by the Standing Committee. Approval must be sought no later than the first day of the ninth term of registration. The dissertation must be submitted within three terms of the date of approval, notwithstanding the maximum permitted period of registration.
The assignments set out in clauses 6(c-e) shall be forwarded, usually through a specified electronic submission system, to the examiners c/o Registry, Department for Continuing Education, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA, for consideration by such date as the examiners shall determine and shall notify candidates.7.Candidates may be required to attend a viva voce examination at the end of the course of studies at the discretion of the examiners.8.The examiners may award a distinction to candidates for the M.Sc.9.Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in any part of the examination under 6 (c-e) above may be permitted to resubmit work in respect of the part or parts of the examination that they have failed, on not more than one occasion for each assignment without being required to repeat attendance at the relevant module or modules. The resubmission will normally be within one year of the original failure.10.Provided the Standing Committee is satisfied that a student on the award has undertaken equivalent study, of an appropriate standard, normally at another institution of higher education, or has appropriate work experience to an equivalent standard, the committee may permit the candidate to be exempted from attendance and the submission of a written assignment in respect of up to three modules. In exercising this discretion the Standing Committee shall take into consideration the length of time that has elapsed since the study or work experience was undertaken.11.The Standing Committee may deem satisfactory completion of a module (including the associated assessment) prior to registration for the award as having met the attendance and examination requirements in respect of that module. Such discretion will normally only be exercised if the time elapsed between commencement of the accredited module concerned and registration for the award is not more than two years. The maximum number of modules taken prior to registration for the award that may count in this way shall be three.
Schedule A
The practice of evidence-based health careQuality improvement science and systems analysis*Introduction to surgical management and leadershipBecoming a medical educator *Any other module as defined by the Course Director and approved by the Standing Committee.
Schedule B
Human factors, teamwork and communication*Surgical technology and robotics
* Also available to students registered for the PG Diploma in Health Research
Sustainable Urban Develeopment
1.The Continuing Education Board shall elect for the supervision of the course a course committee that shall have the power to arrange lectures and other instruction in the theory and practice of Sustainable Urban Development.2.The course may be taken on a part-time basis over a period of not less than six and not more than nine terms.3.Candidates may be permitted under certain circumstances to suspend status, for a maximum of six terms. Any such period shall not count towards the maximum or minimum permitted period of registration and no fee liability will be incurred during such periods.4.Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:(a)Attendance at classes, tutorials, group seminars and other teaching sessions;(b)seven written assignments, each being on one of the units listed in the Schedule below, and each of not more than 3000 words in length;(c)a dissertation of not more than 15,000 words (excluding tables, appendices, footnotes and bibliography), on a subject selected by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor and approved by the course committee.
The assessed work set out in clause 4(b) shall be forwarded in normal circumstances through an electronic submission system to the examiners c/o Registry, Department for Continuing Education, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA, for consideration by such date as the examiners shall determine and of which they shall notify candidates. The assessed work set out in clause 4(c) shall be submitted in hard copy and on a USB stick to the examiners c/o, Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford OX1 4BG for consideration by such date as the examiners shall determine and of which they shall notify candidates.4.Candidates may be required to attend a viva voce examination at the end of the course of studies at the discretion of the examiners.5.The examiners may award a distinction to candidates for the MSc.6.Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in any part of the examination may be permitted to resubmit work in respect of the part or parts of the examination that they have failed for examination on not more than one occasion which shall normally be within one year of the original failure.7.The course committee shall have the discretion to permit any candidate to be exempted, in exceptional circumstances, from submitting an assignment, provided that the committee is satisfied that such a candidate has undertaken equivalent study, or have appropriate work experience to an equivalent standard.
Concepts of the City and Environmental Change
Climate Change and the Built Environment
Financing Sustainability
Transportation and Sustainability
Urbanism and the Design Process
The Flexible City? Urban Theory, Practice and Project Management
Urbanisation and the Global South
Any other subject approved by the course committee.
Not all units will be available in any one year.