Regulations for the Degrees of Bachelor of Civil Law and Magister Juris
Differences from 2020/21 to 2023/24
1. The Bachelor of Civil Law and the Magister Juris shall be under the supervision of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Faculty of Law.
2. Candidates whose previous qualifications are primarily in the common law will normally be admitted to the BCL. Candidates whose previous qualifications are not primarily in the common law will normally be admitted to the MJur.
3. Any person who has been admitted as a candidate for the BCL or the MJur under the provisions of this section, has kept statutory residence for three terms, and has satisfied the examiners in the examination prescribed in this section, may supplicate for the BCL or the MJur as the case may be.
4. Candidates who are not graduates of the University may wear the same gown as that worn by candidates studying for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
5. No full-time student shall be admitted as a candidate for examination for the degree until they shall have spent at least three terms at work in Oxford after their admission as a student for the degree; time spent outside Oxford during term as part of an academic programme approved by Council shall count towards residence for the purpose of this clause.
6. Students shall follow a course of instruction comprising options chosen from the lists set out in the Handbook for BCL and MJur students:
(i) BCL candidates select four options from List I.
(ii) MJur candidates select either four options from List I, or three options from List I and one option from List II.
Candidates may, in place of either one or two options, complete two or four half-options from List III.
Not all options will be available in every year.
7. The form of assessment for each option will be specified in the subject description appearing in the Handbook, and examination conventions. No candidate may offer a subject which they have previously offered in the Final Honour School of Jurisprudence or Diploma in Legal Studies.
8. Candidates will enter for their examinations in accordance with Part 9 of the Regulations for the Conduct of University Examinations. Only in exceptional circumstances may a candidate change their choice of examination paper entries after Friday of Week 1 of Hilary Term.
9. Details of the statutes and other source material which will be available to candidates in the examination room for certain papers will be given in the examination conventions.
10. For both the BCL and the MJur candidates may substitute a dissertation for one full option. The dissertation shall be wholly or substantially the result of work undertaken whilst registered for the BCL or MJur and must not exceed 12,500 words and should not normally be less than 10,000 words (including footnotes, but excluding bibliography, tables of cases or other legal sources). Candidates should submit the proposed title of the dissertation and a synopsis of its scope in not more than 500 words not later than Friday of Week 1 of Michaelmas Term to the BCL/MJur Course Administrator. In deciding whether to give approval, the Graduate Studies Committee shall take into account the suitability of the subject matter and availability of appropriate supervision. The required format for the dissertation is set out in the BCL and MJur Handbook. The dissertation must be submitted electronicallyuploaded to the BCL/MJurUniversity WebLearnapproved siteonline assessment platform by noon on Friday of Week 5 of Trinity Term with an online declaration of authorship. The examiners shall exclude from consideration any part of the dissertation which is not the candidate’s own work or which has been or will be submitted to satisfy the requirements of another course.
11. Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners may enter for the failed elements on one further occasion only, usually within one year of the initial failure. Candidates who fail the dissertation may resubmit by the deadline in clause 10. in the following year.
Oxford 1+1 MBA programme
Candidates registered on the Oxford 1+1 MBA programme will follow an additional two or three-month bridging programme at the end of their third term of the combined programme.
Each candidate will be appointed an academic advisor from the Saïd Business School to plan an individial course of study which will include as a minimum, the following three compulsory elements:
(i) Normally two meeting during the bridging programme with the senior advisor appointed by the Saïd Business School at the start of the Oxford 1+1 MBA programme.
(ii) A formatively assessed Integrative Development Plan of up to 3,000 words. Candidates would be required to criticially reflect on their learning from the Masters programme and relate this both to their forthcoming MBA programme as well as to their career goals. The meetings with the advisor will frame the design, delivery and discussion of the plan.
(iii) Attendance of the MBA pre-course as described in the joining instructions for the MBA blass, unless granted exemption by the MBA Committee on the grounds of prior formal study or work experience.