Regulations for the Conduct of University Examinations: Part 4 Examiners: Period of Office, Casual Vacancies, Resignation, and Removal

Differences from 2020/21 to 2024/25

  • 4.1. Examiners shall take up their office on 1 October of the academic year for which they have been appointed to serve, or immediately after their appointment has been approved, if this is later than 1 October.

  • 4.2.

    • (1)  Standing orders shall designate terms of office for internal examiners of no more than four years. If the term of office is not designated in standing orders, the default period for which an examiner is appointed shall be three years.

      (2)  An examiner shall serve for a maximum of two consecutive terms of office on the same examination board.

  • 4.3. Examiners who have not held office for the full period may be reappointed either for a full period or for such period as together with the period of office they have in fact completed will constitute a full period.

  • 4.4. If it is necessary for the due regulation of the succession among examiners in any University Examination that an examiner or examiners shall retire before the end of the normal period of service, then the junior shall retire.

  • 4.5. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) or Proctors may dispense from any of the requirements of regulations 4.1–4.4 above if they consider it reasonable to do so.

  • 4.6. An examiner may, on account of sickness or other urgent cause, obtain from the Proctors leave of absence for a period extending over not more than one University Examination, and a suitably qualified person shall be appointed to act as their substitute during that period in accordance with regulations 3.1 and 3.2 in Part 3 of these regulations.

  • 4.7. If an examiner appears to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) or the Proctors to be acting in the conduct of the office in a manner which is inconsistent with proper standards of academic rigour, integrity, impartiality, or fairness, or may otherwise bring discredit upon the examination process or the University, the examiner shall (without prejudice to any other action which may be taken) be removed from office by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education) or Proctors as the case may be.

  • 4.8. If an examiner dies or resigns or is removed from office under this Part, the supervisory body or nominating committee shall submit a nomination to the Proctors for approval of a suitably qualified substitute for the remainder of the period of office.

  • 4.9. If a person who is appointed an examiner by virtue of their office is for any reason unable to act they shall nominate a deputy who shall be subject to approval by the supervisory body, nominating committee or the Proctors as the case may be.