Regulations for the Conduct of University Examinations: Part 11 Submission of assessed work for an Examination
Differences from 2021/22 to 2023/24
- These regulations apply to the submission of material for assessment, which may include, but is not limited to, any thesis or written exercise (e.g. extended essay, portfolio) that must be submitted by a specified deadline. All such material must be submitted via a University approved online assessment platform.
- Exceptionally, permission may be granted on behalf of Education Committee for:
- (i) specified assessments for an Examination to be submitted in hard copy on a permanent basis. All such assessments must be detailed in the special regulations for the Examination. Where submission in hard copy has been approved, the place of submission shall be specified in the course handbook for the Examination.
- (ii) individual candidates to submit an assessment in hard copy. The department of such candidates must apply to Student Registry stating the reasons why it is not possible for the assessment to be submitted via the University approved online assessment platform no later than 4 weeks before the submission deadline. Where submission in hard copy has been approved, the place of submission shall be specified in the approval confirmation.
- No candidate shall submit in hard copy unless there is provision in the special regulations for the Examination or they have been given individual permission for such a submission. Any hard copy assessment submitted without such permission will not be accepted for marking. Where no concomitant electronic copy has been submitted, the assessment will be recorded as a non-submission. Where both a hard copy and an electronic copy assessment have been submitted, it is the electronic copy that is the examination copy.
- All submitted work must be accompanied by a declaration of authorship or equivalent, regardless of the format of the submission. Where not automatically provided by the online assessment platform, the format for the declaration of authorship shall be specified in the course handbook for the Examination.
- All technical information relating to submission requirements, e.g. format, font etc. shall be specified in the course handbook for the Examination.
- A candidate or their college or their department who is dissatisfied with any decision made regarding individual permission for submission in hard copy may appeal against that decision in accordance with the provisions of Part 18 of the Regulations for the Conduct of University Examinations.