Regulations for Readmission and Migration
Differences from 2014/15 to 2023/24
Made by Council on 8 May 2002
1. In these regulations, unless the context requires otherwise, ‘college’ means any college, society, or Permanent Private Hall or any other institution designated by Council by regulation as being permitted to present candidates for matriculation.
2. If any person has been expelled by any college, that person shall not be readmitted to the college without the written permission of the Proctors if:
(1) his or her expulsion has taken place while he or she was still subject to any penalty imposed by the Proctors or the Disciplinary Court or the Appeal Court; or
(2) the Proctors have given specific notice in writing to the college that the consent of the Proctors will be required.
3. A student member of the University may migrate from any college to any other, and a graduate of the University who is a minister of religion or a candidate for the ministry may migrate to Ripon College, Cuddesdon, in order to read for the Honour School of Theology and Religion, for any joint Honour School which includes Theology, for the Diploma in Theology, for the Certificate in Theology, or for the Degree of Bachelor of Theology, if in each case he or she has first obtained:
(1) written permission for his or her migration from the college to which he or she belongs; and
(2) a certificate signed by the two Proctors that they have seen that permission and do not oppose his or her migration.
4. If the Proctors decline to give their consent under regulation 2 above, or to sign the certificate specified in regulation 3 (2) above, the person concerned may dispute the Proctors' decision in accordance with Statute XVII.
5. No person who has previously been admitted as a member by any college within the University shall be admitted as a member by any other without the production of the proper certificates.
6. In granting a certificate of migration, the Proctors, with the consent of the Vice-Chancellor, may append such conditions as to residence during the next three terms as may appear to them desirable.
7. If any permission or testimonial required under the provisions of regulations 2 and 3 above is refused, the Vice-Chancellor may nevertheless, if he or she thinks fit, grant consent in writing for the migration.
8. If any student member of the University has been expelled by the authorities of any college, that person shall not be readmitted to membership of the University unless the Vice-Chancellor has heard the case and has given consent in writing for the readmission of that person; and it shall be the duty of the authorities of colleges to satisfy themselves that any person applying to them for admission has not previously been so expelled.
9. Any student member of the University migrating or having been readmitted to membership of the University except under the conditions laid down above shall forfeit all the privileges of the University from the date of his or her migration or readmission; except that the two Proctors, if they are satisfied that there was no reason why that person should not have been allowed to migrate or to be readmitted, may exempt him or her from the penalties imposed by this regulation, and any person so exempted shall pay to the University through the Registrar a further sum equivalent to one-half of the matriculation fee payable at the date of the exemption.
(1) Nothing in regulations 2-9 above shall be taken to apply to any person:
(a) who becomes a member of another college by virtue of his or her election to any office or emolument;
(b) who, being a graduate of the University, becomes a member of another college in order to pursue a further course of study (other than one which continues the academic programme for which he or she has already been admitted as a Probationer Research Student).
(2) It shall be the responsibility of the head or bursar of the college of which a person becomes a member under paragraph (1) (a) or (b) above to include the name of that person in the termly schedule of the names of the members of the college who are liable to pay composition fees to the University, unless that person's name is included in the schedule prepared by the head or bursar of any other college of which the person is already a member.