Research Degrees in Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics

Differences from 2014/15 to 2023/24

  • 1. Admission as a Probationer Research StudentsStudent

    Candidates may apply for admission willas normallyProbationer beResearch expectedStudent, or directly to haveDPhil status, on a firstfull-time or upperpart-time second class degree. They will be required to submit evidence (in the form of essays written in English) of their competence in the broad subject of their intended research and should have a basic knowledge of the language(s) in which the main secondary literature is writtenbasis.

  • 2. Transfer to M.Litt. and D.Phil. status

    Candidates must submit the documents detailed in the Divisional regulations, above.

    3. Confirmation of D.Phil. status

    Candidates must submit the documents detailed in the Divisional regulations, above.

    4. Theses

    Theses submitted for the Degree of M.Litt. in ComparativeLinguistics, Philology and General LinguisticsPhonetics should not exceed 50,000 words. The word limit excludes the bibliography, appendices consisting of a catalogue of data, any extensive text which is specifically the object of a commentary or linguistic analysis, and any translation of that text, but includes quotations and footnotes.

    Theses submitted for the Degree of D.Phil. in ComparativeLinguistics, Philology and General LinguisticsPhonetics should not exceed 100,000 words. The word limit excludes the bibliography, appendices consisting of a catalogue of data, any extensive text which is specifically the object of a commentary or linguistic analysis, and any translation of that text, but includes quotations and footnotes.