Research Degrees in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies

Differences from 2022/23 to 2023/24

  • 1. Admission as a Probationer Research Student

    Candidates must apply for admission as Probationer Research Student on a full-time basis.

    2. Transfer to M.Litt. and D.Phil. status

    All students will normally be expected to submit:

    • (a) a piece of formal written work related to the field of their proposed thesis of between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length;

      (b) a satisfactory outline (of not more than 1000 words) of the proposed subject of the thesis.

  • 3. Confirmation of D.Phil. status

    Candidates must submit the documents detailed in the Divisional regulations, above. The piece of written work is expected to be a draft chapter or two chapters of the candidate’s thesis, approximately 10,000-15,000 words in total.

    4. Theses

    Theses submitted for the Degree of M.Litt. should not exceed 50,000 words and those for the Degree of D.Phil. should not exceed 100,000, exclusive of any text that is being edited, and of bibliography, but including notes, glossary, appendices, etc. Leave to exceed this limit will be given only in exceptional cases.