Research Degrees in Geography

Differences from 2014/15 to 2019/20

  • For students admitted before 1 October 2015

  • 1. Transfer from Probationer Research Student status to M.Litt., M.Sc., or D.Phil. status


    The transferDPhil in Geography and the Environment shall be under the supervision of statusthe Graduate Studies Committee of the School of Geography and the Environment.

    2. Attendance requirements

    The DPhil programme shall be offered on a full-time and part-time basis. Full-time students are required to meet the residence requirements set out in §6 of the General Regulations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Part-time students are required to meet the following attendance requirements for their period of part-time study: attendance for a minimum of 30 days of university-based work each year, normally takescoinciding place not later thanwith the full terms of the academic year, to be arranged with the agreement of their supervisor, for the period that their names remain on the Register of Graduate Students unless individually dispensed by the Graduate Studies Committee. During a student's probationary period the attendance arrangements must take account of relevant induction and training events scheduled by the department.

    3. Transfer to DPhil, MLitt or MSc by Research status

    Students will normally be expected to achieve Transfer of Status in their third term after admission as(or asixth researchterm studentafter admission for part-time students). 

    Students areapplying requiredfor to demonstrate that the research already accomplished shows promiseTransfer of theStatus ability to produce should:

    • (a satisfactory M.Litt., M.Sc., or D.Phil. thesis on the intended topic. Students are required to) submit to the director of Graduate Studies a report title and abstract (ofor no more than 300 words/one side of A4) to the Research Degrees Coordinator by Friday of eighth week Michaelmasof Term.the Eachfirst studentterm will(second alsoterm givefor part-time students);

    • (b) make a Transfer of Status Presentationpresentation of fifteen minutes (plus ten minutes of questions) duringin noughth week of Hilarytheir Term.second Studentsterm should(fifth term for part time students);

    • (c) submit a completed Transfer of Status application form and two copies (and one electronic copy) of a research proposal of no more than 7,500 words, including ana thesis title, outline of research plans, a preliminary review of the literature, a preliminary review of methodology, progress to date, bibliography and a timetable for completion, fieldwork design (if applicable), and bibliography to the DirectorResearch ofDegrees Graduate studiesCoordinator by Friday of eighth week Hilaryof Termtheir second term (fifth term for part-time students). On receiving the application, the Director of

    The Graduate studiesStudies Committee will, on behalf of the Graduate studies Committee, appoint two assessors (normally two members of the academic staff) neither of whom will normally be the student’s supervisor. The interviewerswho will read the scriptwork, beforeinterview submittingthe student and submit a recommendation to the boardCommittee their reports andin a jointwritten summary statement supporting their recommendationreport. StudentsThe Committee will bedecide requiredwhether to attend aapprove Transfer of Status Assessment Meeting with their supervisor(s) and transfer of status assessors to discuss their report. These meetings will be held during 1st week of Trinity Term.

    A student whose first application for Transfer of Status is unsuccessfulnot mayapproved be(including givenwhere the outcome is a recommendation to transfer to the MLitt or MSc by Research) is permitted to make one further opportunity to apply for transfer, following the procedures laid down,application and maywill applybe forgranted an extension of time for one term if(or thisup isto necessarytwo terms for part-time students) to Probationer Research Student status if necessary. If after a second attempt, the purposeGraduate Studies Committee can neither approve transfer to the DPhil or to the MLitt or to the MSc by Research, the student will be removed from the Register of makingGraduate the applicationStudents.

  • 24. Confirmation of D.PhilDPhil status

    ApplicationStudents forwho were initially admitted to the status of a Probationer Research Student must achieve Confirmation of D.PhilStatus statusnot shouldlater than their ninth term or normally be made not earlier than thetheir sixth term from admission as a research student and(or not later than the nintheighteenth term or normally earlier than the twelfth term for part-time students). TheStudents departmentadmitted expectsdirectly that,to DPhil status having completed a full-time MPhil in mostthe cases,School of Geography and the conformationEnvironment willmust beachieve made immediately after return from field-work and no later than eighth week Trinity TermConfirmation of the student’s third year. No candidate may submit a thesis for the doctoral degree without having first obtained confirmed doctoral status. Any student who does not confirmStatus by the end of their ninththird term, will(sixth be required to applyterm for apart-time deferral of confirmation of status and may be allowed up to three terms for this purpose. Any student who fails to confirm status within nine terms of registeringstudents) as a PRS (or within a maximum of twelve terms where deferral has been approved) will have theirgraduate student status lapsed. Students who have taken an M.Phil first and were admitted directly to D.Phil status, should confirm status within three terms of starting the D.Phil. Any student who fails to confirm within nine terms of starting the M.Phil (or within a maximum of twelve terms where deferral has been approved) will have their status lapsed. The purposeexclusive of the submissiontime spent on the Register of Students while undertaking the full-time MPhil.
    Applications for confirmedConfirmation statusof isStatus should be submitted to ensure that the candidateResearch isDegrees workingCoordinator toby aeighth doctoral standard.

    The confirmation report should show evidence that the research already accomplished gives promiseweek of the abilitystudent’s toninth produceterm (eighteenth term for part-time students) and will comprise the following:

    • (a) a satisfactorycompleted D.Phil. thesis on the intended topic. For this purpose the candidate must submit to the DirectorConfirmation of GraduateStatus Studiesapplication form;

    In addition, two copies (together withand an electronic version)copy of:

    • (b) a report describing in approximately 3,000 words the aims and methods of the projected thesis. The student will also be required to include with the written workproject, an outline of the proposed thesis, including the topics to be covered in individual chapters, and a timetable for completion. In addition,;

    • (c) two substantive chapters of no more than 10,000 words each, must also be submitted. Candidates wishing to undertake the D.Phil. via scientific papers should substitute the chapters of the thesis withor two papers for students submitting an article-based thesis.

    On receiving the application the Director ofThe Graduate studiesStudies Committee will appoint two assessors (normally two academic members of staff) neither of whom will normally be the student’s supervisor. The assessorswho will read the scriptwork, beforeinterview submittingthe student and submit a recommendation to the boardCommittee their written reports andin a joint summary statement supporting their recommendation. Students will be required to meet with their assessors and supervisor at an assessment interview to discuss theirwritten report. The Committee will decide whether to approve Confirmation of Status.

    A student whose first application for Confirmation of Status is unsuccessfulnot mayapproved beis givenpermitted to make one further opportunity to apply for confirmation, following the procedures laid downapplication, normally within one term if(two necessaryterms for thepart-time purpose of making the application. Students will be notified of the outcome and they should receive advice from their supervisor(sstudents) on their confirmation assessment.

  • 3. Submission of theses

    Candidates for the Degrees of M.Sc., M.Litt., and D.Phil. are required to submit at least two sets of all maps, diagrams, and other illustrations, one of which should be a reproduction of the original set.application, Theand copywill granted an extension of theone thesisterm deposited(up into two terms for part-time students) if necessary. If after the Bodleiansecond shouldattempt bethe oneCommittee ofcan thoseneither withapprove athe completeapplication setnor ofapprove maps and illustrations.

    Applications for leavetransfer to presentthe onlyMLitt oneor setthe ofMSc mapsby Research, diagramsthe and other illustrations may be granted in exceptional circumstances, but such concessionsstudent will be grantedremoved onlyfrom verythe sparinglyRegister of Graduate Students.

    5. Theses

    M.ScThe thesesthesis shouldmust benot approximatelyexceed 100,000 words for the DPhil, 50,000 words for the MLitt, or 40,000 words for the MSc by Research, inclusivethe oflimit to include notes, glossary, appendices etc, but exclusive ofnot tables, figures, and references.

    M.Litt theses should not exceed 50,000 words, exclusive of the bibliography, unless for exceptional reasonsreason and on the recommendation of the candidatestudent’s supervisor the boardGraduate Studies Committee otherwise determines.

    D.Phil. theses submitted by students in Geography must not exceed 100,000 words, exclusive of the bibliography but including notes, glossary, appendices, etc., unless for exceptional reasons and on the recommendation of the candidate’s supervisor the board otherwise determines.

    A D.Phil thesis may be accepted for examination if comprised of a minimum of four scientific papers submitted for publication if not yet accepted or published. Such a body of work will be deemed acceptable provided it represents a coherent and focused body or research. It should include an Introduction, a Survey of Literature, and a Conclusion. Current word limits and conditions remain in place.

    A D.Phil. thesis submitted under this rubric may include joint publications. In that case, all co-authors must certify in writing to the Director of Graduate Studies of the School that the majority of the work represents that of the candidate.

    Candidates wishing to proceed in this manner must obtain permission from his/her supervisor, the School, and the Divisional Board and must be approved at the time of confirmation for D.Phil. status. Evidence must be submitted at the time permission is sought that the scientific papers have been submitted to identified journals.

    If, after a petition is accepted, a candidate wishes to revert to a standard D.Phil thesis format, the candidate must lodge a petition with his/her supervisor, the School, the Divisional Board showing good cause for the change.

  • For students admitted after 1 October 2015

  • 1. Transfer from Probationer Research Student status to M.Litt., M.Sc., or D.Phil. status

    The transfer of status normally takes place not later than the third term after admission as a research student. Students are required to demonstrate that the research already accomplished shows promise of the ability to produce a satisfactory M.Litt., M.Sc., or D.Phil. thesis on the intended topic. Students are required to submit to the director of Graduate Studies a report title and abstract (of no more than 300 words/one side of A4) by Friday of eighth week Michaelmas Term. Each student will also give a Transfer of Status Presentation of fifteen minutes (plus ten minutes of questions) during noughth week of Hilary Term. Students should submit two copies (and one electronic copy) of a research proposal of no more than 7,500 words, including an outline of research plans, a preliminary review of the literature, methodology progress to date, bibliography and a timetable for completion to the Director of Graduate studies by Friday of eighth week Hilary Term. On receiving the application, the Director of Graduate studies will, on behalf of the Graduate studies Committee, appoint two assessors (normally two members of the academic staff) neither of whom will normally be the student’s supervisor. The interviewers will read the script before submitting to the board their reports and a joint summary statement supporting their recommendation. Students will be required to attend a Transfer of Status Assessment Meeting with their supervisor(s) and transfer of status assessors to discuss their report. These meetings will be held early in Trinity Term. A student whose first application is unsuccessful may be given one further opportunity to apply for transfer, following the procedures laid down, and may apply for an extension of time for one term if this is necessary for the purpose of making the application.

  • 2. Confirmation of D.Phil. status

    Application for Confirmation of D.Phil. status should normally be made not earlier than the sixth term from admission as a research student and not later than the ninth term. The department expects that, in most cases, the conformation will be made immediately after return from field-work and no later than eighth week Trinity Term of the student’s third year. No candidate may submit a thesis for the doctoral degree without having first obtained confirmed doctoral status. Any student who does not confirm by the end of their ninth term, will be required to apply for a deferral of confirmation of status and may be allowed up to three terms for this purpose. Any student who fails to confirm status within nine terms of registering as a PRS (or within a maximum of twelve terms where deferral has been approved) will have their student status lapsed. Students who have taken an M.Phil first and were admitted directly to D.Phil. status, should confirm status within three terms of starting the D.Phil. Any student who fails to confirm within nine terms of starting the M.Phil (or within a maximum of twelve terms where deferral has been approved) will have their status lapsed. The purpose of the submission for confirmed status is to ensure that the candidate is working to a doctoral standard.

    The confirmation report should show evidence that the research already accomplished gives promise of the ability to produce a satisfactory D.Phil thesis on the intended topic. For this purpose the candidate must submit to the Director of Graduate Studies two copies (together with an electronic version) of a report describing in approximately 3,000 words the aims and methods of the projected thesis. The student will also be required to include with the written work an outline of the proposed thesis, including the topics to be covered in individual chapters, and a timetable for completion. In addition, two substantive chapters of no more than 10,000 words each must also be submitted. Candidates wishing to undertake the D.Phil via scientific papers should substitute the chapters of the thesis with two papers.

    On receiving the application the Director of Graduate studies will appoint two assessors (normally two academic members of staff) neither of whom will normally be the student’s supervisor. The assessors will read the script before submitting to the board their written reports and a joint summary statement supporting their recommendation. Students will be required to meet with their assessors and supervisor at an assessment interview to discuss their report. A student whose first application is unsuccessful may be given one further opportunity to apply for confirmation, following the procedures laid down, normally within one term if necessary for the purpose of making the application. Students will be notified of the outcome and they should receive advice from their supervisor(s) on their confirmation assessment.

    3. Submission of theses

    Candidates for the Degrees of M.Sc., M.Litt., and D.Phil. are required to include a complete sets of all maps, diagrams, and other illustrations, bound into the copy of the thesis deposited in the Bodleian.

    M.Sc.Article-based theses should not exceed 40,000 words, M.Litt. theses should not exceed 50,000 words, and D.Phil. theses should not exceed 100,000 words. In all case word counts are inclusive of notes, glossary, appendices etc. but exclusive of tables, figures, and bibliography, unless for exceptional reasons and on the recommendation of the candidate’s supervisor the board otherwise determines.thesis

    A D.Phil.DPhil thesis may be accepted for examination if comprised of a minimum of fourthree academic papers submitted for publication in peer review journals. The papers do not have to be accepted or published. The papers must be accompanied by a framing document thatwhich will normally be between 15,000 andto 20,000 words and which comprises an Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, and Conclusion. Current word limits and conditions remain in place.

    A D.Phil.DPhil thesis submitted under this rubric may include joint publications. In thatsuch case, the student should normally be the first author for papers submitted as part of their D.Phil. thesis. Where this is not the casecases, a clear justificationstatement should be givenprovided and all co-authors must certify in writing thatby the majoritystudent to the examiners to confirm the student’s substantive contribution to each of the workpublications. representsThis that of the candidate and a letter to this effectstatement must be submittedsupported with thea applicationcontributors’ agreement for appointmenteach of examiners to the Director of Graduate Studies. There are no restrictions on the number,publication or order,letters of otherfrom co-authors, reflecting the variation in established academic practice. Papers should be either incorporated as typescript pages or as offprints bound into the body of the thesis.

    CandidatesStudents wishing to proceed in this manner mustshould obtainindicate permissiontheir fromintention his/herin supervisortheir andTransfer theof SchoolStatus report and must beformally approvedapply atto the timeGraduate Studies Committee with the support of confirmationtheir supervisor when submitting their application for D.PhilConfirmation of Status. status.If Evidenceafter must also be submitted at this time that at least one academic paperpermission has been submitted to an identified journals, if not yet accepted or published.

    If, after an application is acceptedgranted, a candidatestudent wishes to revert to a standard D.Phil.DPhil thesis format, the candidatestudent must submit an application to the Director of Graduate Studies, with a supporting statement from his/her supervisor, and the School showing good cause for the change.

Further details are provided in the Graduate Studies Handbook.