Principles of Clinical Anatomy
Differences from 2012/13 to 2023/24
There shall be a Qualifying Examination in the Principles of Clinical Anatomy for medical students who have passed the First Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine and who are seeking admissionto progress to a course inthe clinical medicinestage inof Oxfordthe orstandard elsewhere6-year Medicine course. The examination shall be governed by the following provisions.
(a) The examination shall be under the supervision of the Medical Sciences Board.
(b) No candidate shall be admitted to this Qualifying Examination unless his or her name has been entered on the Register of University Medical Students and he or she has previously passed the First Examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Medicine.
(c) Candidates for the Qualifying Examination in the Principles of Clinical Anatomy are required to keep statutory residence and pursue their studies at Oxford, extending to no more than two weeks beyond the end of Trinity Full Term, provided that the divisional board shall have power to permit candidates to vary the dates of their residence so long as the overall programme requirement is met.
(d) The syllabus and obligations required of candidates, and the method of examination, shall be as prescribed from time to time by regulations of the Medical Sciences Board.
The syllabus shall be published annually in Trinity Term by the Medical Sciences Board.
Candidates shall submit notebooks, initialled as satisfactory by the demonstrators, or other certified evidence of satisfactory practical work associated with the course.
The examination will consist of in-course assessment of a form approved by the Medical Sciences Board. Any candidate whose performance in any part of this assessment is judged to be unsatisfactory may be reassessed during the course or at some duly advertised time during the Long Vacation by such means as may be deemed appropriate by the examiners. In determining whether a candidate has passed the examination, the examiners will take account of the candidate's overall record of assessment without necessarily requiring a satisfactory performance in every constituent part.
The Director of Pre-Clinical Studies or his or her deputy is required to make available to the examiners evidence (in the form of a list of names, signed by the Director or his or her deputy) to certify that each candidate has a satisfactory attendance record at the course in the Principles of Clinical Anatomy. Any candidate whose record of attendance is deemed unsatisfactory by the examiners shall be liable to undergo additional examination by such means as may be deemed appropriate by the examiners, or he or she may be failed at the discretion of the examiners.
Candidates may be required to undergo oral examination.