Preliminary Examination in Physics

Differences from 2021/22 to 2022/23


  • 1. The subject of the Preliminary Examination in Physics shall be Physics, including basic practical and mathematical techniques.

  • 2. The number of papers and other general requirements of the Preliminary Examination in Physics shall be as prescribed by regulation from time to time by the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board.


  • 1. Candidates in Physics must offer four Compulsory Papers at one examination, provided that a candidate who has failed in one or two papers may offer that number of papers at a subsequent examination. The titles of the papers shall be:

    CP1: Physics 1

    CP2: Physics 2

    CP3: Mathematical Methods 1

    CP4: Mathematical Methods 2.

    Their syllabuses shall be approved by the Faculty of Physics and shall be published in the Physics Course Handbook by the Faculty of Physics not later than the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term for examination three terms thence.

  • 2. In addition to the four papers of clause 1, a candidate in Physics shall be required

    • (i) to submit to the Moderators such evidence as they require of the successful completion of practical work normally pursued during the three terms preceding the examination, and

    • (ii) to offer a written paper on one Short Option.

  • 3. Candidates shall be deemed to have passed the examination if they have satisfied the Moderators in the four compulsory papers either at a single examination or at two examinations in accordance with the proviso to clause 1, and provided further that the same number of papers as were failed at the first sitting have been passed at the same attempt at a subsequent examination.

  • 4. In the case of candidates who offer all four papers of clause 1, the Moderators shall publish the names only of those who have satisfied them in two or more papers. Candidates whose names do not appear on the pass list must offer four papers at a subsequent examination. In the case of candidates who, in accordance with the proviso to clause 1, offer one or two papers, the Moderators shall publish the names only to those who have satisfied them in each of the papers offered.

  • 5. The Moderators may award a distinction to candidates of special merit who have satisfied them in all four papers of clause 1 at the single examination and in the requirements of clause 2.

  • 6. Failure to complete practical work under clause 2(i), without good reason, will be deemed by the Moderators as failure in the Preliminary Examination and the candidate will be required to complete the outstanding practicals either by examination or by completing them alongside second year study, before entry to the Part A examination will be permitted. In these circumstances, distinction at the Preliminary Examination will not be possible.

  • 7. The list of Short Option subjects in clause 2(ii) and their syllabuses shall be approved by the Faculty of Physics and shall be published in the Physics Course Handbook by the Faculty of Physics not later than the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term for examination three terms thence.

  • 8. With respect to subjects under clause 2(ii) a candidate may propose to the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy, not later than the lastFriday of the fourth week of Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examination, anotheran alternative subject paper to be taught within the Physics Department. Candidates shall be advised of the decision by the end of the first week of the subsequent Hilary Full Term.

  • 9. Except for papers for which their use is forbidden, the Moderators will permit the use of any hand-held calculator subject to the conditions set out under the heading Use of calculators in examinations in the Regulations for the Conduct of University Examinations and further elaborated in the Course Handbook.