Preliminary Examination in Music
Differences from 2021/22 to 2022/23
1. The subject of the Preliminary Examination in Music shall be the study of the history, criticism, theory, composition, performance, and practice of music.
Each candidate will be required to offer papers 1-4 and two of the options in paper 5.
1. Foundations in the Study of Music (written paper)
2. Stylistic Composition, Arranging, and Transcription (SCART, takeaway paper)
- 3. Musical Analysis and Critical Listening
The paper shall consist of two parts:
A. Musical Analysis (written paper)
B. Critical Listening (takeaway paper)
4. Topics I (written paper)
5. Options
Candidates must choose two from the following:
a) A musicological topic (written paper)
b) Extended Essay
An essay of 4,000-5,000 words on a subject to be chosen in consultation with the candidate's tutor. - c) Composition
- i) Portfolio Submission
ii) An Introduction to Contemporary Music (listening exam)
- i) Portfolio Submission
- d) Performance
A solo performance, vocal or instrumental, of 10-12 minutes in length (short recital).
e) Critical Studies in Ethnomusicology (written paper)
f) Musical Skills
Candidates must answer any two questions from the following:- i) Conducting Skills (practical exam)
ii) Keyboard Skills (practical exam)
iii) and iv) up to additional SCART submissions (takeaway paper)
- i) Conducting Skills (practical exam)
Candidates who fail one, two or three of papers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 above may resit only that paper or papers at a subsequent examination; candidates who fail four, five or six papers will be required to resit all six papers at a subsequent examination.