Preliminary Examination in Mathematics
Differences from 2022/23 to 2023/24
The subject of the examination shall be mathematics and its applications. The syllabus and number of papers shall be prescribed by regulation from time to time by the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board.
1. Candidates shall take five written papers. The titles of the papers shall be:
A. Mathematics I
B. Mathematics II
C. Mathematics III
D. Mathematics IV
E. Mathematics V
2. In addition to the five papers in clause 1, a candidate must also offer a practical work assessment.
3. Candidates shall be deemed to have passed the examination if they have satisfied the
ModeratorsExaminers in all five papers and the practical assessment at a single examination or passed all five papers and the practical assessment in accordance with the proviso of clause 4. -
4. A candidate who fails to satisfy the
ModeratorsExaminers in one or two of papers A––E may offer those papers on one subsequent occasion; a candidate who fails to satisfy theModeratorsExaminers in three or more of papers A––E may offer all five papers on one subsequent occasion; a candidate who fails to satisfy theModeratorsExaminers in the practical work assessment may also offer the assessment on one subsequent occasion. -
5. The
ModeratorsExaminers may award a distinction to candidates of special merit who have passed all five written papers and the practical work assessment at a single examination. -
6. The syllabus for each paper shall be published by the Mathematical Institute on the Mathematical Institute's website by the beginning of the Michaelmas Full Term in the academic year of the examination, after consultation with the Mathematics Teaching Committee. Each paper will contain questions of a straightforward character.
.The Chair of Mathematics, or a deputy, shall make available to the Moderators evidence showing the extent to which each candidate has pursued an adequate course of practical work. In assessing a candidate's performance in the examination the Moderators shall take this evidence into account. Deadlines forhanding insubmitting practical work will be published in a handbook for candidates by the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term in the academic year of the examination.Candidates are
usuallyrequired to submit such practical work electronically; details shall be given in the handbook for the practical course.Any candidate who is unable for some reason to submit work electronically must apply to the Academic Administrator, Mathematical Institute, for permission to submit the work in paper form. Such applications must reach the Academic Administrator two weeks before the deadline for submitting the practical work. -
8.The use of hand held pocket calculators is generally not permitted but certain kinds may be permitted for some papers. Specifications of which papers and which types of calculator are permitted for those exceptional papers will be announced by the Moderators in the Hilary Term preceding the examination.