Preliminary Examination in Fine Art

Differences from 2015/16 to 2022/23


  • 1. No person who is not a member of the University may be admitted to the Preliminary Examination in Fine Art.

  • 2. A candidate may enter his or hertheir name for the examination not earlier than the third term from histheir matriculation.

  • 3. The subjects of the examination shall be

    • (1) Art Work: exhibition and folio/documentation of supporting or related work;

    • (2) History and Theory of Visual Culture;

    • (3) Human Anatomy;

  • 4. Candidates must offer all fourthree subjects of the examination at the same time, provided that a candidate who has passed in at least two of the subjects but failed in the other subjects (or subject) of the examination may offer at a subsequent examination the subjects (or subject) in which hethey or she hashave failed.

  • 5. The examination shall be under the supervision of the Committee for the Ruskin School of Art, which shall make regulations for the examination.

  • 6. The examiners may award a distinction in the examination to any candidate.


  • 1. The examination shall include both practical and written work.

  • 2. Every candidate will be required in respect of:

    • (1) Art Work

      • (a) to produce an exhibition/presentation of current art work in any medium or media agreed by the candidate and their tutor; and


      • (b)
         to submit an edited selection of art work (portfolio) made during the course preceding the examination in any medium or media agreed by the candidate and their tutor. This selection should provide context to the exhibition described above, demonstrating artistic processes or strategies engaged in and the development of ideas throughout the course.

    • Candidates may submit a combination of physical and digital portfolio but in any instance the total portfolio submission should include no more than 25 separate items. 2D works and sketch/notebooks may be submitted as part of a physical portfolio where they are under A1 size. Larger 2D, 3D, or performance works should be documented using photography and video as appropriate. In the case of time-based work, the total duration of artworks, excerpts of artworks or documentation should not exceed 10 minutes. Any digital moving image and photographic works should be submitted in universal file formats.

  • (2) History and Theory of Visual Culture

    • (a) toTo submit three essays of no more than 2,000 words each (including footnotes) on aspects of the history and theory of visual culture in accordance with the provisions of clause 3 of these regulations;

    • (b) to offer a paper on history and theory of visual culture;.

  • (3) Human Anatomy

    • (a) to offer a paper on form and function in human anatomy.

    • (b) toTo submit notebooks and a portfolio of notwork comprising no less than six6 and no more than twenty examples of supporting visual material on the candidate's work in human anatomy.

       The portfolio should include notebooks, experiments, and finished work in any medium or media, and should include the candidate’s response to the set Easter Anatomy Project. 

3. The work required by (1) and (3)(b) above must be submitted to the Chair of Examiners, Preliminary Examination in Fine Art, Ruskin School of Art, 74 High Street, in the case of the examination held in Trinity Term not later than noon on ThursdayWednesday of the sixth week of that term, and in the case of the examination held in the vacation preceding Michaelmas Term not later than noon on Wednesday in the week before Michaelmas Full Term.

  • 3. Of the essays required by the provisions of clause (2)(a) of these regulations, one must be submitted digitally not later than noon on the Friday of the ninth week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examination, one must be submitted digitally not later than noon on the Monday of the first week of Hilary Full Term preceding the examination and one must be submitted digitally not later than noon on the Friday of the ninth week of the Hilary Full Term preceding the examination. One copy of these essays, which may be either typed or in manuscript, must be delivered to the Chair of Examiners, Preliminary Examination in Fine Art, Examination Schools.  

  • Each essay must be accompanied by a certificate signed by the candidate confirming that the essay has not been submitted for any previous examination, and that the essay is the candidate's own unaided work save for advice on the choice and scope of the subject, the provision of a reading list, and guidance on matters of presentation.
  • The Thiswork certificaterequired by (3) above must be submitted separately in a sealed envelope addressed to the chairChair of examiners.Examiners, ThePreliminary chairExamination in Fine Art, in the case of the examinersexamination willheld announcein theTrinity listTerm ofnot subjectslater than noon on which the essays may be submitted by the endWednesday of the firstsixth week of thethat Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examinationterm.
