Preliminary Examination in History of Art
Differences from 2016/17 to 2023/24
The Preliminary Examination in History of Art shall be under the supervision of the Board of the Faculty of History. The subjects of the examination, the syllabus, and the number of papers shall be as prescribed by regulation from time to time by the Board of the Faculty of History.
The History Faculty Board shall issue annually the Handbook for the Preliminary Examination in History of Art by Monday of noughth week of Michaelmas Term for the academic year ahead.
Each candidate shall offer four papers as follows:
Candidates will be examined by three-hour unseen examination.
II. Challenging
Antiquity after AntiquityAntiquitiesCandidates will be examined by three-hour unseen examination.
III. Art,
EuropeanDesign,Art1400-1900Architecture: Meaning and Interpretation -
Candidates will be examined by three-hour unseen examination.
Candidates will be examined by a 5,000 word extended essay, including footnotes but excluding bibliography. A candidate may propose to study any object, but this object must be approved by the appointed extended essay adviser, and the Preliminary Extended Essay Co-ordinator. Approval will depend on the object's accessibility and the availability of source material and curatorial expertise. Candidates will have no more than the equivalent of five one-hour meetings with their assigned extended essay advisor. A first draft of the extended essay may be commented on by the extended essay adviser during one of these meetings. Candidates must submit the title of the extended essay to the Chair of Examiners, Preliminary Examination in History of Art, Department of History of Art, Littlegate House, St. Ebbes, Oxford, by midday on Monday of the fifth week of the Hilary Term preceding the examination. Any subsequent changes to titlesubject require formal application to the Chair of Examiners not later than noon on Monday of second week of the Trinity term preceding the examination and subsequent approval. EssaysMinor shouldchanges to title or subtitle do not need to be typedsubmitted. or word-processed in double spacing andEssays should conform to the standards of academic presentation prescribed in the course handbook. Essays must be deliveredsubmitted by hand tousing the ExaminationUniversity Schoolsapproved (addressedassessment to the Chair of Examiners, Preliminary Examination in History of Art, Examination Schools, Oxford)platform not later than noon on Monday of sixth week of the Trinity Term in the academic year in which the candidate is presenting himself or herself for examination. Candidates delivering essays will be required to complete a receipt form, which will only be accepted as proof of receipt if it is counter-signed by a member of the Examination Schools staff. Each essay must be accompanied by a sealed envelope (bearing only the candidate's examination number) containing a formal declaration signed byfrom the candidate that the essay is his or her own work. The University's regulations on Late Entries will apply.
The Examiners may award a distinction in the examination to any candidate, according to the published classification conventions.
Candidates who fail one or two of papers I, II, III, or IV above may resit only that paper or papers at a subsequent examination. Candidates who fail three of papers I, II, III, or IV above will be asked to resit all papers, including the one they passed, unless the paper they passed is the essay, in which case they will resit only the three written examination papers. Candidates who fail all four of papers I, II, III, and IV will be required to resit all four at a subsequent examination. In the case of failure to reach the required standard in the Preliminary Extended Essay, candidates must resubmit the essay by Monday of noughth week of Michaelmas Term of the second year. Candidates are entitled to one further meeting with their extended essay adviser.