Preliminary Examination in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
Differences from 2019/20 to 2023/24
The subjects of the examination shall be under the supervision of the Board of the Faculty of Classics.
Every candidate shall offer four papers, as follows:
I. Aristocracy and democracy in the Greek world, 550-450 BC
II. Republic to Empire: Rome, 50 BC to AD 50
III., IV. Two papers chosen from the following groups. No more than one paper may be chosen from each of groups A, B, and C.
A. Special subjects in archaeology:
1. Homeric archaeology and early Greece, 1550-700 BC
2. Greek vases
3. Greek sculpture, c.600-300 BC
4. Roman architecture
B. Special subjects in Ancient History:
1. Thucydides and the west
2. Aristophanes' political comedy
3. Cicero and Catiline
4. Tacitus and Tiberius
C. Ancient languages:
1. Beginning Ancient Greek (not available to candidates with a qualification in ancient Greek above GCSE or equivalent)
2. Beginning Latin (not available to candidates with a qualification in Latin above GCSE or equivalent)
3. Intermediate Ancient Greek (not available to candidates with a qualification in ancient Greek above AS level or equivalent)
4. Intermediate Latin (not available to candidates with a qualification in Latin above AS level or equivalent)
5. Advanced Ancient Greek
6. Advanced Latin
Each paper will be assessed by means of a three-hour written examination. Detailed specifications for each paper, including prescribed texts where applicable, will be published in the CAAH Prelims course handbook no later than Monday of Week 0 of Michaelmas Term in the calendar year preceding the examination.
The Examiners may award a distinction to any candidate of special merit who has satisfied the Examiners in all papers at a single examination.
Candidates who fail one or two of papers I, II, III, and IV above may resit only that subject or subjects at a subsequent examination; candidates who fail three or four papers will be required to resit all four papers at a subsequent examination.