Preliminary Examination in Ancient and Modern History

Differences from 2022/23 to 2023/24


The Preliminary Examination in Ancient and Modern History shall be under the joint supervision of the Boards of the Faculties of Classics and History and shall consist of such subjects as they shall jointly by regulation prescribe. Lists of available papers will be published by the beginning of Trinity Term prior to candidates beginning their studies for the examination.


Every candidate shall offer four papers, as follows:

  • 1. European & World History: any one from a list of Outline papers defined by the Faculty Board of History.

  • 2. A paper in either Greek or Roman History, as defined by the Faculty Board of Classics.

  • 3. An Optional Subject as specified for this Preliminary Examination or for the Preliminary Examination in History.

  • 4. One of the following subjects:

    • (a) Approaches to History, as specified for the Preliminary Examination in History;

      (b) Historiography: Tacitus to Weber, as specified for the Preliminary Examination in History;

      (c) Either Herodotus, V. 26-126, to be read in English, and VI.1-131, to be read in Greek;

      or Sallust, Jugurtha, to be read in Latin;

    • The prescribed editions for Herodotus and Sallust will be specified in the course handbook.

      (d) Beginning Ancient Greek or Beginning Latin or Intermediate Ancient Greek or Intermediate Latin or Advanced Ancient Greek or Advanced Latin.

  • Any candidate whose native language is not English may bring a bilingual (native language to English) dictionary for use in any examination paper where candidates are required to translate Ancient Greek and/or Latin texts into English.

Candidates who fail one or more of papers 1, 2, 3, or 4 above may resit that paper or papers at a subsequent examination.