Postgraduate Diploma in Diplomatic Studies
Differences from 2014/15 to 2023/24
StudentsCandidatesformust follow a course of instruction over three terms in theDiplomasubjectmayofholddiplomaticthat status for no more than six termsstudies. -
2. Candidates
arewillonlybeeligiblerequired tobekeepadmittedstatutory residence for three terms and to satisfy theDiplomaexaminers in four written papers, one on each of the topics below:-
a) Diplomatic
ifInternationaltheyPoliticsc) International
haveTradeachievedand Financed) Public International Law
3. Candidates may be required to attend a
satisfactoryvivastandardvocein the first term of study for the Certificate in Diplomatic Studies. Admission to the Diploma will take placeexamination at the end of thefirstcoursetermofinstudies at theyeardiscretion ofstudy, onthebasis of a transfer proposal and the first term’s assessed written work, as approved by the Admissions Committee for the programmeexaminers. -
3.Each student will follow a course of study comprising four core courses. The four core courses are:International Politics. Key concepts in international relations leading to central issues in world politics, with particular emphasis on change in the international system and the evolving role of diplomacy in consequence.Economics. Basics of international trade theory and macroeconomics, focusing on such applied and political economy topics as trade liberalisation, globalisation, and international resource transfers.International Law.Principles of international law and the processes of legal reasoning, and their application to current world problems ranging from the nature of international law to the use of force and conflict settlement.Diplomatic Practice. Overview of different regions of the world, major international organisations, and current world problems as they affect diplomats. Review of practical aspects of diplomacy and their application to discussion of practical action by means of which governments can address these problems.In addition, candidates will be required to submit a dissertation of between 10,000 and 12,000 words.
.Examinations. Candidates will be required to take papers in International Politics, International Law, Economics, and Diplomatic Practice.5.SyllabusI.Four core modules: International Politics, Economics, International Law, and Diplomatic Practice.II.Each candidate will be required to present a dissertation of not more than 12,000 words, on a subject approved by the examiners, to the examiners c/o the Registry, Department for Continuing Education, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA, by 12 noon on Friday of sixth week of Trinity Term in the year in which he or she completes the course. All material submitted for the dissertation shall be accompanied by a certificate signed by the candidate indicating that it is the candidate’s own work.
6. The examiners may award a distinction to candidates for the Diploma.To be awarded a distinction, a candidate must obtaineitheran average of 70 overall in the five programme elements;ora mark of 70 or above in three of the five programme elements, of which one shall normally be the dissertation.-
75.A candidate for the Diploma who fails to meet the standard required for award of the Diploma, but who has met the examination standards and requirements stipulated in the regulations governing the Certificate in Diplomatic Studies, may be offered the option of resitting the examination for the Diploma, or (having satisfied the examination standards and requirements of that qualification) of being awarded the Certificate. 8.A candidate whose overall average mark falls below 50 shall be eligible to resit the failed elements on one occasion during the following academic year. Compensation in one paper is allowed.9.the written examinations in all foureach of thecorewrittenelementspapers may be permitted to resit the part or parts of theCertificateexaminationcourse,whichortheywhohavefail to submit a dissertation of the necessary standard will be eligible to resitfailed on one further occasion only not later than one year after the initial attempt.