Postgraduate Diploma in Sleep Medicine
Differences from 2018/19 to 2022/23
1. The Divisional Board of Medical Sciences shall elect for the supervision of the course an Organising Committee. The Organising Committee will oversee teaching provision and will nominate Examiners for the Examination Board.
2. The Course Committee shall arrange teaching, student supervision and assessments and shall appoint for each candidate an academic adviser.
will be offered a place on the M.Sc. course conditional on satisfactory completion of the Postgraduate Diploma. To be considered for a place on the M.Sc. course students will need to indicate their intention to convert no later than by the early January postgraduate admissions deadline applicable in the second year of their Postgraduate Diploma course. Otherwise studentswill need to reapply.-
4. To be eligible for the award a student must have been on the Course Register for a period of not less than two years, and not more than four years.
5. Candidates may be permitted in certain circumstances to suspend status, for a maximum of six terms. Any such period shall not count to the minimum permitted period of registration and no fee liability will be incurred during such periods.
6. Every candidate for a Postgraduate Diploma award will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:
(i) attendance at all modules specified in the Schedule;
(ii) completion of each of
theend of module MCQexaminations prior to the Final Meeting of the Board of Examinersassessment; -
(iii) completion of the assessment for modules (i) to (viii) specified in the Schedule. For modules (i), (iii), (v) and (vii), submission of
eightoneessaysessay per module of not more than 4,000 words.eachFor module (ii),relating to eachcompletion of an online examination. For module (iv), submission of an oral presentation and an online viva voce. For module (vi), completion of a live online case-study-based viva voce examination. For module (viii), submission of a poster presentation and an online viva voce.Assessments will be submitted/conducted as follows: modules (i)
toand (viiiii). Two essays will be submittedat the end of HilaryTermterm ineachyearyear1 of the course,; modules (iii) andtwo essays will be submitted(iv) at the end of Trinity Term ineachyearyear1 of the course,;onmodulesdates(v)toandbe(vi)specified byat theCourseendCommitteeofandHilarypublishedterm intheyearcourse handbook no later than the start of Michaelmas Term of the first year2 of the course.;Eachandessaymodulestopic(vii)willandbe selected by the Board of Examiners. The essay topics will be distributed to the students(viii) at thestartend ofMichaelmasTrinitytermTerm in year 2 ofthe academic year in whichtheexamination is takencourse; -
(iv) attendance at the Residential School following at least two terms of study.
7. Candidates who are not registered for an award but are undertaking any module from the Schedule for credit (see clause 13) will submit an essay of not more than 4,000 words each for each module completed.
EssaysInformation on assessment requirements and submission deadlines is provided in the course handbook.- 8. Submitted assessments shall be submitted
to the Chair of Examiners,Postgraduate DiplomainSleepelectronicMedicine,formatc/oviaRegistry,theDepartmentUniversityforapprovedContinuingassessmentEducation, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JAplatform. The format of each submission and the deadlines for submission shall bespecified by the Course Committee andpublished in the course handbook no later than the start of Michaelmas Term of the first year of the course. -
89.EssaysAll written submissions must be accompanied by a statement that they are the candidate's work except where otherwise indicated.-
910. Candidates must pass each assessment in order to pass the examination overall. -
1011.the extended essays will be permitted, by 2pm, Thursday of Week 8any of thetermassessmentsfollowingin clause 6. (iii) may attempt thetermfailedin which the results were notified to the candidate, to resubmit work in respect of the part or parts they have failedassessment(s) onnotno more than one further occasion usually within one year of the original failure. -
1112. Candidates who fail any of theessaysassessments for modules (i)-(viii) at the second attempt will be judged to have failed to reach the necessary standard for the award. -
1213..Theasorganising committee shall decide if the candidate hashaving met theattendance andexamination requirements in respect of that module under clause 6.i-iiiabove. Such discretion will normally only be exercised if the time elapsed between commencement of the accredited module concerned and registration for the PGDip in Sleep Medicine is not more than three years. The maximum number of modules taken for credit prior to registration for the PGDip in Sleep Medicine that can contribute to the achievement of the award shall be three.
(i) The Physiological Basis of Sleep
(ii) Introduction to Sleep Medicine and Methodological Approaches
(iii) Circadian Rhythm Disruption and Sleep
(iv) Insomnia
(v) Sleep-disordered Breathing and Sleep-related Movement Disorders
(vi) Hypersomnias and Parasomnias
(vii) Sleep in Specialist Populations
(viii) Sleep and Society