Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Practice
Differences from 2016/17 to 2023/24
(a) The course will consist of lectures, tutorials, seminars, classes, and supervised practice on the theory and practice of Psychodynamic Practice. Candidates will be required to undertake personal therapy. The course will be taken on a part-time basis over
a period which shall be oftwo years' duration. -
(b) The course places equal emphasis on theory, practice, and the candidate's personal and professional development. In the first year candidates will study the Historical and Theoretical Perspective, the Psychiatric Perspective, the Contemporary Perspective, and the Developmental Perspective, and be introduced to core clinical models. The organisational perspective will be taught to complement candidates' clinical placements. Candidates will study long term counselling and psychotherapy. The second year will include the study of time limited counselling and psychotherapy and the application of the core theoretical model to varied contexts and clinical populations.
2. Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:
)attendance at weekly classes, sensitivity group sessions, individual tutorials, a weekend school, and review sessions and revision days; (b) five written assignments as follows:-
(i) an initial case study of no more than 3,000 words.
(ii) a second case study, of no more than 3,000 words.
(iii) an extract from a candidate’s placement log of no more than 3,000 words.
(iv) an extract from the candidate’s Reflective Journal, of no more than 3,000 words.
(v) an essay, of no more than 3,000 words, based on theoretical material covered in the course.
cb) a dissertation of no more than 10,000 words(including appendices and footnotes but excluding bibliography). The subject of the dissertation must be submitted for approval by any two of theexternal examinerexaminers following consultation with the course director by noon of Friday of fourth week of Hilary Full Term in the second year of the course. -
dc) participation in a minimum of17 placement supervisions to include at least100 hours of client/patient contact with placement supervisions at a minimum ration of 1:6; -
ed) participation in a minimum of 80 hours of personal therapy and submission of a statement of hours completed from the candidate’s personal therapist; -
fe) submission of annual reports from the candidate's course tutor and clinical seminar leader; -
gf) confirmation from thesensitivityexperiential group conductor that there are no ethical reasons why the candidate should be discouraged from commencing professional work.
The assignments
underset out in clause 2(a) and (b)andshallthreebetypewrittensubmittedor printed copies ofvia thedissertationapprovedunderonline(c)submissionwillsystembe forwarded toby theexaminersdatesc/opublishedRegistry, Department for Continuing Education, Wellington Square, OxfordOX1 2JAfor consideration by such date asin theexaminerscourseshall determine and shall notify candidates before the start of the academic year in which the assignment is duehandbook. -
.Candidates may be required to attend a viva voce examination at the end of the course of studies. 4. Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in any of the assignments in 2(ba) or the dissertation may be permitted to resubmit work in the part or parts of the examination which they have failed for examination on not more than one occasion which shall normally be within one year of the original failure. Approval for deferral must be obtained from the relevant board of studies. Candidates who fail to obtain a satisfactory report of their placement at the end of the first year will be given additional support. Candidates who fail to obtain a satisfactory report at the end of the second year may be permitted by the examiners to continue in the placement until the required standard is reached, for a period of no more than one year after the end of the second year.-
5.The examiners may award a distinction to candidates for the diploma.