Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Differences from 2017/18 to 2019/20

  • 1. Candidates for the Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (‘the Diploma’) shall be engaged as teachers in higher education.

  • 2. All candidates for admission as students for the Diploma must apply to the Course Director at the Oxford Learning Institute not later than March 31st in the calendar year in which they wish to start the course. The Course Director shall forward his or her recommendations for decision to the Academic Committee of the Department of Education.

  • 3. All candidates for the Diploma shall follow a course of study approved by the Academic Committee of the Department of Education.

  • 4. Every candidate for admission to the examination must apply to the Academic Committee of the Department of Education by submitting an examination entry form to the Course Director at the Oxford Learning Institute no later than the first day of Hilary Full Term preceding the Michaelmas Term in which he or she wishes to be examined. No candidate shall be examined later than in the seventh term following the start of his or her course of study except with the approval of the Academic Committee of the Department of Education following written application via the Oxford Learning Institute.

  • 5. Candidates for the Diploma must submit a portfolio of written work of between 12,000 and 15,000 words in total. Two typewritten copies of the portfolio and a certificate from the Oxford Learning Institute confirming that the candidate has participated in no fewer than six of the full-day seminars in the Diploma programme must be delivered to the Postgraduate Diploma Examiners, Department of Education, 15 Norham Gardens, Oxford OX2 6PY, not later than noon on the Monday of the first week of the Michaelmas Full Term in which the candidate is to be examined. In exceptional circumstances, following written application in advance via the Oxford Learning Institute, the Academic Committee of the Department of Education may allow late submission by specifying a revised deadline not later than noon on the Friday of the first week of that Michaelmas Term. One bound copy of the dissertation of each candidate who passes the examination shall be retained for deposit in the Oxford Learning Institute.

  • 6. Candidates for the Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education may be awarded a distinction.

  • 7. Notwithstanding the provisions in clause 4 above regulating the time allowed for completion of the course, candidates for the Diploma who fail the examination may be re-examined on not more than one occasion which shall be in the Michaelmas Term following their initial failure.