Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Strategy (Part-time)
Differences from 2014/15 to 2024/25
General regulationsRegulations
1. The
ExecutiveDiploma Course Committee of the Saïïd Business School shall have the power to grant Postgraduate Diplomas in Financial Strategy to candidates who have satisfied the conditions prescribed in this section and any further conditions which the Committee may prescribe by regulation. -
2. The
examination for the Postgraduate Diplomacourse shall be under the supervision of theExecutiveDiploma Course Committee of the Saïïd Business School which shall have power, subject to the approval of the Social Sciences Divisional Board, to make regulations governing the examination. -
3. Candidates may be admitted as students for the Postgraduate Diploma under such conditions as the Committee shall prescribe, provided that before admission candidates shall have satisfied the Committee that they have appropriate educational experience acceptable to the Committee, have relevant professional experience, and are well equipped to enter the proposed course of study.
4. Any person who has been accepted as a candidate for the Postgraduate Diploma, and who has satisfactorily pursued the course prescribed by the Committee, may be admitted to the examination.
5. If, for good cause, a student is temporarily unable to carry out their studies, they may apply for a suspension, normally for not less than twelve months.
Special regulationsRegulations
1. Candidates must follow a twelve-month, part-time course of
instructionstudy in Financial Strategyfor at least twelve months and not more than fourteen months. - 2. Candidates must complete the following four courses:
ai)Four core courses, and satisfy the examiners in the assessment associated with each course. The four core courses are:Strategy;
(ii) Business Finance
I; -
Business(iii)FinanceCorporateIIValuation; -
DetailsFinancialcan be found in the course handbook. (b)Courses may be assessed by one or more of the following: written examinations, individual assignments, and group assignments, subject to the constraint that at least 50 per cent of marks in any course must be assigned to individual work.(c)A project report not exceeding 10,000 words on a topic agreed by the examiners. Three typewritten/word-processed copies of the project report must be submitted to the Chair of ExaminersStrategies forthe Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Strategy, c/o Saïd Business School, Park End Street, Oxford, not later than 12 noonon the date stipulated in the year in which the written examination is taken. The submission date will be published by the Course Director before the first Monday of the first term in which students commence the course. All material submitted for the project report shall be accompanied by a statement signed by the candidate indicating that it is the candidate's own workGrowth.
2Courses (i) and (iii) will each be assessed by a coursework submission. Course (ii) will be assessed by a written examination. Course (iv) will be assessed by a final integrative coursework submission of 6,000 words.- 4. All coursework submissions must be submitted using the University-approved online submission system. Details are available on the programme learning platform.
- 5. Candidates may be
examinedrequestedvivatovoceattend an oral examination on anyassessment,of theproject report, or bothassessments. 3.The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination.46.maymustberetakere-examinedoronresubmitnotthe failed assessment no more thanonetwelveoccasionmonthswhichafternormallytheshallfinalbe within one yearmeeting oftheirtheinitialBoardfailureof Examiners excluding any period of suspension.
57. With the approval of the Programme Director, a candidate may substitutecoreany of courses (i) to (iii) on the Postgraduate Diploma with core courses from the part-time MBA, the Postgraduate Diploma in AI for Business, the Postgraduate Diploma in Global Business, the Postgraduate Diploma in Organisational Leadership, the Postgraduate Diploma in Strategy and Innovation, or M.Sc. in Major Programme Management, assuming that core course falls within the permitted registration period for the original Postgraduate Diploma.