Postgraduate Certificate in Statistics and Epidemiology

Differences from 2020/21 to 2023/24

1. The Divisional Board of Medical Sciences will appoint an Organising Committee to supervise the course, which will have the power to arrange lectures and other instruction.

2. The Organising Committee of the course will appoint an academic adviser for each candidate.

3. Each candidate must follow a course of study in Statistics and Epidemiology over three terms and for a substantial part of the Michaelmas and Hilary term vacations as determined by the course timetable.

4. Candidates shall be examined in all of the following ways:

(i) A report of not more than 2500 words on an analysis of a dataset based on a research question set by the Examination Board and based on material studied in the Principles of Statistics and Principles of Epidemiology modules. Additionally, candidates must submit an annotated copy of all statistical code used for the data analysis.

(ii) A written examination paper relating to the Principles of Epidemiology andmodule.

(iii) A written examination paper relating to the Principles of Statistics modulesmodule.

5. Candidates may be examined viva voce and this examination will take place on dates to be determined by the examiners.

6. The written submissions for assessment (i) must be uploaded to the authorised online submission platform as notified to students by the Course Administrator, by the date to be specified by the Organising Committee of the course and published in the Examination Conventions, not later than the start of Michaelmas term of the academic year in which the examination is taken. Each submission must be accompanied by a declaration of authorship by the candidate.


1. Principles of Statistics
2. Principles of Epidemiology