Master of Studies in Slavonic Studies
Differences from 2019/20 to 2023/24
.Candidates must have takeneitherRussian (as sole languageoras one of two languages)orCzech (with Slovak) in the Oxford Honour School of Modern Languages,orhave taken a comparable degree in a Slavonic language from another university,ormust satisfy the committee that they possess the necessary qualifications in a Slavonic language to profit by the course. 2. Candidates must follow for at least three terms a course of instruction in Slavonic Studies.-
32. Each candidate will be required to take:- a) one language from Schedule 1
and(A); - b)
threeone subject from Schedule 2(B); - c) two further subjects from Schedules 2-
107 of which not more than one may be from Schedule 2 (B and C).
- a) one language from Schedule 1
- The list of schedules will be available in the handbook for that year and will be made available to incoming students by the Graduate Studies Office early in the Long Vacation.
- A.
- Schedule 1 - Unseen translation
- Schedule 1 - Unseen translation
- B.
- Schedule 2 - Methodology
- C.
- Schedule 3 – Slavonic Philology in Context
- Schedule 4 – The History of a chosen language
- Schedule 5 – The Structure and Present State of a chosen language
- Schedule 6 – Russian Literature, Culture and History
- Schedule 7 – Central European Literature, Culture and History
43.Candidates may take no more than two subjects from any one Schedule.Candidates may not take subjects which they have already studied in a first degree course. -
54.65.76.anaessaythesis of 5,000 to 7,000 words on a subject of the candidate’’s choice. -
7. The subject of the
essaythesis should fall within the areas of Slavonic languages and literatures. Candidates are required to register the subject area or title of theiressaythesis with the Modern Languages Graduate Office by the end of the fourth week of Hilary Term. Theessaythesis should be submitted electronically as specified in the course handbook by noon on Thursday of sixth week of Trinity Term.essaythesis for the Degree of M.St. may subsequently be incorporated in a thesis submitted for the Degree of M.Phil., or may be used as the basis for the piece of written work required for admission to the status of student for the Degrees of M.Litt. or D.Phil. -
8. Candidates must present themselves for oral examination unless dispensed by the examiners.