Master of Studies in Psychodynamic Practice
Differences from 2018/19 to 2023/24
1. Candidates will be expected to have satisfactorily completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Practice.
2. The course will consist of Day Workshops, research methodology and application seminars, clinical seminars, individual clinical and research tutorials, and continuing personal therapy and supervised practice. The course will be taken on a part-time basis for a period of one year's duration.
3. Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:
(a) submission of a dissertation of no more than 15,000 words on a topic selected by the candidate in consultation with the research tutor and course director and approved by any two of the examiners. The dissertation must be submitted in
hard copy and indigital copy, format to be prescribed in the course handbook, to theExaminersUniversityforapprovedtheonlineMStassessmentinplatform.PsychodynamicSubmissionPracticedeadlinesc/oandDepartmentinformationforareContinuing Education, Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JA, for receipt not later than noon on the last Friday of Septemberpublished in theyear in which thecourseis studiedhandbook. Material already submitted for the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Practice may not be included; -
(b) participation in a minimum of
100200 hours of client/patient contact, with placement supervisions at a minimum ratio of 1:6, and submission of an end-of-year report by a candidate's placement supervisor, including those client/patient and supervision hours completed during the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Practice, with the condition that placement work is ongoing throughout the MSt course; -
(c) participation in a minimum of 40 hours of personal therapy (exceptions may be made for candidates who have had extensive personal therapy previously);
(d) submission of annual reports from both research and clinical tutors;
(e) a viva voce examination at the end of the course of study.
The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination. 5.A candidate whose dissertation fails to satisfy the examinermaywill be permitted to resubmit on one further occasion only not later than one year after the initial failure.-
65. If any candidate who is successful in the examination for the Degree of Master of Studies in Psychodynamic Practice has previously successfully completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Practice, the Master of Studies will subsume their diploma.