Master of Studies in Korean Studies
Differences from 2015/16 to 2023/24
1. Before admission to the course, candidates must satisfy the Board of the Faculty of
OrientalAsian and Middle Eastern Studies that they possess the necessary qualification to profit by the course. Candidates must have a knowledge of Korean at least up to the standard of a first degree. -
2. Every candidate must follow for at least three terms a course of instruction in Korean Studies.
3. Syllabus
There will be four Units:
Unit (i) Set texts.
Unit (ii) Either Korean Language
or Classical Chinese
or Modern Japanese
or Classical Japanese
or Middle Korean
Candidates who already possess a sufficient knowledge of Modern Korean will be required to choose
ClassicaloneChineseofortheModernotherJapaneselanguage options. -
Unit (iii) Bibliography and techniques of Koreanology.
The examination will take the form of exercises to be set after examinations for Units (i) and (ii) have taken place. Each candidate will be assigned one or more exercises set on a topic directly relating to the course of instruction
hetheyor she hashave followed, and will be required tosubmitupload a written answer to theChairUniversityofapprovedExaminersonline assessment platform by a date which the Chair will announce at the conclusion of the written papers, but which shall, in any case, be not sooner than two days and not later than seven days from the date of the examination.Two copies must be submitted, securely sealed and addressed.The work must bear the candidate’’s examination number (but not the candidate’’s name, which must be concealed). Candidates must include asigneddeclarationsealed in an envelope addressed to the Chair of Examinersthat the work is the candidate’’s own. -
Unit (iv) A thesis of not more than 15,000 words (excluding bibliography), on a topic selected in consultation with the candidate's supervisor and approved by the Faculty Board. Applications for such approval should be submitted to the Faculty office by Monday of noughth week of Hilary Term.
Two typewritten copies and an electronic copy in PDF format on a memory stick or CD of theThe thesis must be submitted to theChairUniversityofapprovedExaminers,onlineM.Stassessmentin Korean Studies (Oriental Studies), Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford,platform not later than 12 noon on Friday of sixth week of Trinity Full Term.
4. Lists of set texts must be submitted to the Faculty office by Friday of seventh week of Michaelmas Term.
5. Every candidate will be examined by a viva unless he or she shall have been individually excused by the examiners.