Master of Studies in Classical Archaeology
Differences from 2017/18 to 2021/22
1. Within the Division of Social Sciences, the course shall be administered by the Committee for the School of Archaeology. The regulations made are as follows:
2. Candidates for admission must apply to the Committee for the School of Archaeology. They will be required to produce evidence of their appropriate qualifications for the proposed course, including their suitable proficiency in relevant ancient or modern languages.
3. Candidates must follow for three terms a course of instruction in Classical Archaeology.
4. The registration of candidates will lapse on the last day of the Trinity Term in the academic year of their admission, unless it shall have been extended by the committee.
5. The written examination shall comprise three subjects:
A–B–C [not more than one subject may normally be taken from Schedule C] examined by two pre-set essays (each of not more than 5,000 words).
In lieu of one of the subjects in (b
The topic of the dissertation must be approved by the candidate
’’s supervisor and by the School of Archaeology Committee for Graduate Studies. The topic of the dissertation must be clearly distinct from the topics covered by other pre-setessayessaystitlessubmitted by the candidate under 5(b). The dissertation must be the work of the candidate alone, and aid from others must be limited to prior discussion of the subject, bibliographic advice, help with access to study material and advice on presentation. The dissertation must be a new piece of work, substantially different from any dissertation previously submitted by the candidate for a degree of this or another university. When the dissertation is submitted, it must be accompanied by a statement, signed by the candidate, confirming that these conditions have been met. The proposed title of the dissertation, countersigned by the supervisor, must be submitted for approval by the committee by noon on theTuesdayFriday of theeighthseventh week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examination.AssignmentsUniversitysectionapprovedofonlinetheassessmentcourse WebLearn siteplatform no later than noon on the Monday of the fifth week of Trinity Full Term and should bear the candidate's examination number but not his or her name.
Schedule A: Periods
Aegean Area, 2000-1100 BC
Early Iron Age Greece, 1200-700 BC
Archaic, 800700-480 BC
Classical, 500-300 BC
Hellenistic, 330-30 BC
Late Republican, 200-30 BC
Early Imperial, 30 BC-AD 120
Middle Imperial, AD 70-250
Late Antiquity, AD 280-650
Byzantine, AD 600-1453
Schedule B: Subjects
Aegean Bronze Age trade: interaction and identities
Aegean Bronze Age Scripts
Aegean Bronze Age religion
Topics in Aegean Prehistory
Aegean and the East, 1200-600 BC
Burials, settlements, and society in Early Greece, 1200-650 BC
Archaeology of the Early Greek polis, 800-450 BC
Early Ionia, 1000-450 BC
Etruscan Italy
Greek sculpture
Greek vases
AchaeologyArchaeology of Athens and Attica 600-50 BC
The archaeology of ancient Macedonia, 600-100 BC
Greek funerary archaeology, 600-100 BC
Archaeology of Greek women
Greek coinage
Greek and Roman wallpaintingwall painting
RomanHistory sculptureof collections: classical art
Historical narrative in Hellenistic and Roman art
Roman sculpture
Roman portraits
Roman Provincial Art
Problems and methods in ancient art-history
Roman architecture
Topography of Rome (This may be taken in conjunction with the British School at Rome taught course only if accepted by the British School at Rome on its programme, and it involves attendance at the residential course organised by the British School at Rome in Rome.)
Pompeii and Ostia
Greek and Roman housing
Archaeology of the Roman economy
The archaeology of Roman urban systems
Roman North Africa
Landscape archaeology in the Greek and Roman world
Maritime archaeology of the Greek and Roman Mediterranean
Myth in Greek and Roman Art
Roman Britain
Roman coinage
Byzantine Constantinople
Late Roman and Byzantine mosaics and painting
Late Roman and Byzantine architecture
HistoryThe archaeology of collections:lived classicalreligion art
Romanin Portraits
RomanLate Provincial ArtAntiquity
Schedule C: Other subjects
Any subject offered in the M.St. in Archaeology, Byzantine Studies, Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature, Greek and Roman History, History of Art, Women’’s Studies.
Candidates may apply for other subjects, to be taken under Schedule B, to be approved by the committee, which shall define their scope and inform both the candidate and the examiners of this definition in writing.
Not all subjects may be available in any one year.
6. Candidates will be expected to show a general knowledge of Ancient History and Geography, so far as they are concerned with their periods and subjects.
7. Candidates must present themselves for an oral examination as required by the examiners.
8. The period and subjects to be offered by candidates and their chosen method of examination, duly approved by their supervisors, must be submitted for approval to the
committeeGraduateinStudiestimeCommitteeforofitsthemeetingSchoolinofeighthArchaeology by noon of Friday of seventh week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examination. Notice ofoptionssubjects to be offered by candidates must be given to the Registrar (via Student Self Service) not later than Friday of the eighth week of that same term. -
9. Candidates offering pairs of pre-set essays will propose essay topics in consultation with their supervisor or relevant course provider. The proposed essay titles, countersigned by the supervisor, must be submitted for approval of the Chair of Examiners by no later than noon on Friday of the
seventheighth week of the term in which the instruction for that subject is given. Candidates must upload theirpresetpre-set essays to theAssignmentsUniversitysectionapprovedofonlinetheassessmentcourse WebLearn siteplatform no later than noon on Monday oftheweekfirst week0 of the term following that in which the instruction for that subject was given. Essays should bear the candidate's examination number but not his or her name. -
With respect to preset essays and theses, only the file submitted via
WebLearnthe University approved online assessment platform constitutes a valid submission, no concomitant hard-copy submission may be submitted for any purpose. -
.The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination. 11. In the case of failure in just one part of the examination, the candidate will be permitted to retake that part of the examination on one further occasion, not later than one year after the initial attempt. Written papers would be retaken the following year.