Master of Studies in Islamic Studies and History
Differences from 2022/23 to 2023/24
The regulations of the Board of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies is as follows:
1. Candidates for the MSt in Islamic Studies and History must follow for at least three terms a course of instruction and directed research and must, upon entering the examination, produce from their society a certificate to that effect.
2. Candidates must attend such lectures, seminars, classes, and language classes as the convenors of the course shall determine, and must undertake any language tests set by the language teachers.
The final examination consists of the following four units, which all candidates must take:
(i) and (ii) Two optional papers chosen from the M.Phil. in Islamic Studies and History. Tuition for each of these two papers will take place either in Michaelmas or Hilary Term.
(iii) A prescribed take-home essay on methods and research materials related to one of the subjects studied under (i) and (ii). A choice of essay questions as prescribed by the examiners will be published for this degree programme by noon on Friday of fourth Week of Hilary Term. They will be required to select one question from this paper, and prepare an essay of up to 4,000 words (excluding bibliography). Candidates must submit this essay to the University approved online assessment platform by noon on Friday of eighth week of the Hilary Term. The work must bear the candidates examination number (but not the candidates’ name). Candidates must include a declaration that the work is the candidates own.
(iv) A thesis of no more than 15,000 words (excluding bibliography), or two essays of no more than 6,000 words (excluding bibliography), on a topic (or topics) selected in consultation with the candidate’s supervisor and approved by the Faculty Board. Candidates are required to submit the dissertation to the University approved online assessment platform by noon on Friday of fourth Week of Trinity Term.
- 3. The examiners may examine any candidate by viva voce.